New York Post

you are where you eat!

One doc’s global warning: The US diet is causing Alzheimer’s, while carbloadin­g countries are — surprise — the healthiest


I N recent years, we’ve all been told that to eat healthfull­y, we have to forgo bread and pasta and up our protein intake.

But according to one researcher, the people living the longest, healthiest lives are doing the opposite. In his new book “The Mindspan Diet: Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk, Minimize Memory Loss, and Keep Your Brain Young” (Ballantine Books, out now), Harvard biologist Preston Estep III singles out what he calls “the mindspan elite” — countries whose residents not only have long life spans but also have relatively low rates of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

“Life expectancy is only one measure of health, and it doesn’t include quality of life. If it is accompanie­d by a very high dementia rate, then that effectivel­y subtracts years,” Estep tells The Post. “Life expectancy [can be] misleading.”

According to Estep’s data analysis, Japan came out on top in terms of “mindspan,” with an average life expectancy of 84 and low rates of cognitive decline. Mediterran­ean France and Italy, Spain and Costa Rica also rank among the elite. Despite having a life expectancy of 79, the US is a “mindspan risk” country, according to Estep, because of its high rates of Alzheimer’s sufferers.

Estep found some surprising similariti­es among the top-ranked diets. The main food source for many of the longest-lived people is bread, pasta and rice. “Refined carbs are the base of the ‘mindspan diet,’ ” Estep says.

But these countries aren’t enjoying the same carbs we are. In the US, bread and pasta — whether it’s whole wheat or white — tend to be enriched to contain about three times the amount of iron as their non-enriched equivalent­s in the Mediterran­ean, Japan and Costa Rica. Estep believes

consuming too much iron damages DNA, cell membranes and neurons. “People with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s have substantia­l amounts of iron and other metals in their brains,” he says.

While the “mindspan elite” have the lowest rates of cognitive decline and brain disorders, places with high iron consumptio­n — such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Finland — lead the world in Alzheimer’s disease incidences. This excess iron can also come from too much meat consumptio­n, according to Estep.

“Parts of northern Europe lead the world in dementia risk,” he says. “High meat consumptio­n and [the] resulting high body stores of iron are likely a primary reason they have such a high dementia burden.”

“It’s a myth that we need to eat so much protein, especially from meat,” he continues. “In fact, it’s hard on the kid- neys and may promote cancer and accelerate the progressio­n of dementia. Pinto beans, found in the Costa Rican diet, [contain] just the right amount [of protein].”

Olive oil was another common denominato­r of the “mindspan elite,” especially among the Mediterran­ean and Spanish diets. “Olive oil is high in monounsatu­rated fatty acid (MUFA), which is less reactive in the body,” says Estep. Foods with MUFA have been linked to a decreased risk for breast cancer, heart disease and stroke, as well as helping weight loss and lowering cholestero­l — all things that help you live longer.

Countries that rely on butter and other animal products, he says, tend to rank among the “mindspan risk.” Despite the controvers­ial nature of some of his assertions, Estep insists he approached his research with an open mind and wasn’t looking to favor bread over beef.

“I just followed the evidence with no particular dietary philosophy in mind,” he says.

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