New York Post

Piercing pleasure

1 in 4 young NYers


One in four young adults in New York City is pierced with jewelry in places other than earlobes, a first-of-its kind survey by the Health Department reveals.

City officials queried residents about body piercing to help understand how widespread the practice is as the state updates its regulation­s on body art to prevent the transmissi­on of Hepatitis C, HIV and other blood-borne infections.

The survey, which excluded earlobe piercing, found that 21 percent of New Yorkers aged 25 to 44 are studded with jewelry.

About 14 percent of all adults pierce their skin with jewelry, 20 percent of women and 6 percent of men.

The percentage was about the same among all racial groups, the telephone survey found.

But a breakdown by borough shows Staten Island is the jewelry-piercing leader, with 18 percent of residents adorning themselves with gold, titanium and surgical steel — metals that don’t leach into the skin, reducing the risk of infection.

Only 11 percent of Queens residents made the cut, the lowest rate in the city.

“It’s more common to be pierced than not pierced. It’s about fashion. It’s about feeling and looking good,” said Carmen Franco, manager of piercing emporium Andromeda on St. Mark’s Place in the East Village, which has been in business for 30 years.

Years ago, navel piercing was fashionabl­e. Now, facial piercing is in. Even nipple and vaginal piercing is trending.

“People are looking to feel prettier and sexier,” said Dre Lewis, owner of Hype Harlem tattoo and body piercing parlor.

He said a middle-aged woman, accompanie­d by her husband, recently came in for a vaginal piercing.

“We don’t judge. We support,” Lewis said.

Current state law requires body-piercing artists to obtain a two-year license and complete an infection-control course.

 ??  ?? New Yorkers with body-piercing jewelry Ages 18-24: Women: Men: 24.2% 20.5%
New Yorkers with body-piercing jewelry Ages 18-24: Women: Men: 24.2% 20.5% 6%

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