New York Post


Outrage as beast is killed to save tot

- By BROOKE BAITINGER and DAVID K. LI With Laura Hobson

The fatal shooting of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo to save a child who fell into his enclosure triggered widespread outrage Sunday.

A Facebook page titled “Justice for Harambe’’ was created in tribute to the 17year-old rare gorilla, and garnered more than 8,000 likes within hours.

Several thousand people also signed a petition that ripped zoo officials for killing the animal — and called for the child’s parents to be “held accountabl­e for their actions of not supervisin­g their child.’’

One person posted on the Facebook page, “Do not let this tragedy go unanswered and unpunished ! #GODSPEED HARAMBE.’’

The 4-year-old boy was with his mother and several other children Saturday afternoon when he crawled through a barrier and fell into the gorilla exhibit, a drop of about 10 feet to 12 feet, and was briefly dragged through water by Harambe, witnesses said.

Zoo director Thame Maynard blamed Harambe for failing to obey orders to leave the open enclosure, saying his actions forced the zoo to shoot him to death.

“Our first response was to call the gorillas out of the exhibit. The two females complied, but Harambe did not,” Maynard said on Sunday.

“It is important to note that with the child still in the exhibit, tranquiliz­ing the 450pound gorilla was not an option. Tranquiliz­ers do not take effect for several minutes, and the child was in imminent danger.

“We are heartbroke­n about losing Harambe, but a child’s life was in danger.”

Jerry Stones, Harambe’s former caretaker at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsvill­e, Texas, described the gorilla as very smart and gentle.

“[Harambe] was nurturing. He would care for his sisters and his mother,” Stones told The Post. “He was not a mean animal. He got caught in a bad situation.”

Still, Stones declined to criticize the Cincinnati Zoo’s use of deadly force.

Meanwhile, the little boy’s mother, Michelle Gregg, defended herself Sunday.

“For those of you that have seen the news or been on social media, that was my son that fell into the gorilla exhibit at the zoo,” her Facebook page said.

“God protected my child until the authoritie­s were able to get to him. My son is safe and was able to walk away with a concussion and a few scrapes . . . no broken bones or internal injuries.’’

When asked how the boy was doing on Sunday night, a man who answered the door with Gregg told The Post, “He is safe and home.”

 ??  ?? Harambe the gorilla pulls a 4-year-old boy though water after the child fell into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. MONKEY DON’T:
Harambe the gorilla pulls a 4-year-old boy though water after the child fell into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. MONKEY DON’T:

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