New York Post


‘Slashed’ gal pal on UES


An unhinged man — barefoot and naked under a white sheet — flashed a grin as he was hauled off in cuffs from his Upper East Side pad after slashing his ex-girlfriend Sunday morning, police and witnesses said.

Neighbors called 911 after hearing the woman scream from the second-floor apartment on First Avenue near 61st Street around 8:30 a.m., police said.

The man (left) refused to open the door for cops, according to a building resident.

“He said he was watching the TV and a porno was on and that there wasn’t a woman in the apartment,” said the resident, who gave only his first name, John. “The cops said back, ‘If it’s just a video, then open the door,’ and this went on for 45 minutes.”

Cops finally broke into the apartment, where they found the 29-year-old man in the buff and the woman, 21, suffering from knife wounds, police said.

She told police the man had whipped her with a stick and slashed her with a kitchen knife. She was in stable condition.

“He and his girlfriend moved in about six months ago,” said another neighbor. “They have gotten into a couple of fights since they have lived there . . . It seems like she moved out a month ago.”

Police said the man had previously been arrested last Monday — again fully nude — after allegedly demanding drugs and sex from a couple in the home.

“He’s a crazy guy,” one resident said. “This guy wanted sex, coke and drugs from them. He said, ‘Bring me to the drugs!’ but they didn’t have any. People heard yelling and called the cops.”

The resident added that the man told him Thursday he had just gotten sprung from Rikers Island and that the couple had not pressed charges.

“This is the second week in a row this has happened, only last week they took him out butt naked with no towel around him,” John added.

Neighbors said they are fed up with his seedy behavior.

“He has brought about five different sketchy people who are possibly homeless into the apartment,” a neighbor said.

He was not identified pending criminal charges, according to police sources.

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