New York Post

Undecideds hold key to Don-Hill fight


Hillary Clinton still has the lead, a new poll shows — but the more than 20 percent who are undecided could swing the election either way. Clinton is regaining ground she lost to Donald Trump after the terror assault in Orlando, a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Saturday found. The poll of likely voters gives Clinton a 13.3 percentage­point lead. Respondent­s split 46.6 percent for Clinton and 33.3 percent for Trump. But a hefty 20.1 percent say they would vote for neither major-party candidate. The survey was conducted between Monday and Friday. The current Real ClearPolit­ics polling average has Clinton up 5.9 percentage points over her likely GOP rival. Trump, while golfing Saturday at his new Trump Internatio­nal course in Aberdeen, Scotland, carried on a rolling press conference as he played, telling reporters that he was working on his list of vicepresid­ential candidates during the trip.

“It’s coming along good,” he said. “I have a lot of people that want it . . . I’m getting calls from a lot of people, and they want it.”

He downplayed the financial markets’ negative reaction to Thursday’s Brexit — saying, “There’s always turmoil no matter where you go, no matter what you do” — and put the onus on President Obama to cushion any blows to the US economy.

“This shouldn’t even affect [US markets], frankly, if it’s done properly, if we had proper leadership,” he said, blaming the stock market’s plunge Friday on worries about the Obama administra­tion’s economic policies.

“Texas loves me,” he said when asked about the prospect of a “Texit” — the Texas breakaway movement being discussed by some conservati­ves. “Texas would never do that if I’m president.”

He also dismissed criticism from European leaders who have voiced opposition to his plans to restrict Muslim immigratio­n to the US, calling their complaints “irrelevant.”

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