New York Post


It’s a poll new ballgame as rivals are tied

- Daniel Halper

The race for president is too close to call, according to a poll released Wednesday that refutes previous surveys showing Hillary Clinton edging away from Donald Trump.

The Quinnipiac University poll gave Clinton 42 percent to Trump’s 40 percent, which pollsters described as a dead heat considerin­g the 2.4 percentage-point margin of error.

In the same poll on June 1, Clinton was ahead 45 to 41 percent.

Seven percent said they didn’t know for whom they’d vote in November, while 6 percent preferred someone else and 5 percent told pollsters they will not vote at all.

When asked if either candidate would make a good president, the response was a resounding “no.”

In Trump’s case, 58 percent said he wouldn’t get the job done in the White House, while 35 percent said he would.

Clinton’s split was closer.

Fifty-three percent thought she would not make a good president and 43 percent thought she would.

Nearly two-thirds of those questioned said the presidenti­al election has increased “hatred and prejudice in the US.”

Sixty-one percent of those polled agreed with the statement, “The 2016 election has increased the level of hatred and prejudice in the US.”

“It would be difficult to imagine a less flattering fromthe-gut reaction to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton . . . This is where we are,” said political pollster Tim Malloy.

“Voters find themselves in the middle of a mean-spirited, scorched-earth campaign between two candidates they don’t like. And they don’t think either candidate would be a good president.”

The poll, taken between June 21 and this past Monday, sampled 1,610 registered voters.

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