New York Post

More Dubious de Blasio Donations


What is it with Mayor de Blasio and straw donors?

The Post this week got cabby advocate Fernando Mateo to admit he’d raised $18,800 in campaign cash for de Blasio but enlisted a young acquaintan­ce, Ahlam Jaoui, to serve as the bundler of record.

Mateo said the scheme was meant to get Jaoui enough attention to land a city job. Others — including Seth Barron of City Council Watch, who first flagged Jaoui as suspicious — note that she’s also part of an enterprise of Mateo’s wife’s, an app-based car service that needs help winning TLC approval.

Experts are divided on whether any laws were broken, but this is certainly one more sign that insiders like Mateo see de Blasio’s City Hall as a “pay-to-play” operation.

And the mayor has yet to do anything about even more dubious donations uncovered by The Post. Such as those bundled by Gina Argento, president of Broadway Stages — contributi­ons that look beyond the means of her employees, who officially wrote the checks.

Joseph Dussich gave $100,000 to de Blasio’s Campaign for One New York, got an intimate sit-down with the mayor — then won a Parks Department contract. And he’s far from the only big donor to win city favor.

US Attorney Preet Bharara and others are looking into it all. Indeed, one of his top investigat­ors visited Jaoui’s home Tuesday.

Still apparently asleep at the switch is the city Campaign Finance Board, the supposed guardian of a system of taxpayer-funded campaigns that allegedly keeps city politics clean.

Forgive us if we have greater hopes for action from the prosecutor­s.

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