New York Post


New Knick: I just exercised my freedom to say no


WEST POINT — Joakim Noah said he meant “no disrespect’’ to West Point or the cadets by boycotting the Knicks’ team dinner Wednesday in the mess hall with those cadets, but he also said he has no regrets for the decision, saying freedom “is what this country is all about.’’

However awkwardly, the Knicks broke camp at West Point on Saturday amid the controvers­y in which Noah skipped the dinner because of his anti-war stance. Noah said he believes his one-man protest won’t hurt his standing among his teammates, many of whom backed him — including Carmelo Anthony, Derrick Rose and Marshall Plumlee, who is in the Army reserve.

Noah said Knicks president Phil Jackson also supported his curious decision. That could lead the Knicks to look elsewhere for training camp next year after spending the past three years on these hallowed grounds.

Noah attempted to defuse the situation by speaking with several cadets after the Thursday night practice, and a team spokesman said he apologized to an Army officer, saying he meant no harm by missing the dinner and speech by retired Col. Steve Merkel.

“It’s more what I did,’’ Noah said. “It has nothing to do with the cadets. I have a lot of respect for the troops and the sacrifice that they bring for this country. It’s just hard for me to see kids killing kids. It’s my views. But it was cool just to be able to spend a little time with them, talk to them and just — they have a huge responsibi­lity — to be able to talk to them about that.”

Noah reiterated he doesn’t believe in the word “patriotism.”

“I don’t feel like one country is better than another one, or that I’m ready to die for a flag or a country,’’ he said.

A West Point spokesman released a statement to the media Friday, stating Noah’s action was “inappropri­ate.’’

“I understand where they’re coming from,’’ Noah said. “They opened up their home to us for us to have a camp. It was ac- tually a great opportunit­y for us to bond as a team and it all came from a good place. So I understand where they’re coming from. I don’t mean no disrespect. It’s just I didn’t feel comfortabl­e in that environmen­t.”

According to Noah, Jackson, who signed him to a four-year, $72 million contract, conferred with him.

“Phil just told me just stay focused on basketball,’’ Noah said. “That’s what I was brought here to do. But also stand for what you believe in.”

Coach Jeff Hornacek said though he was “fine’’ with Noah’s move, the new Knick missed out on a stirring leadership speech.

“He told me he wanted to show me the speech,’’ Noah said. “But it was not about not being there for the dinner. It was more just getting off the bus. It was a lot of activities and I just didn’t feel comfortabl­e … so I went home.”

Noah’s reputation as a pacifist dates to when he won the national title with Florida and almost didn’t go to the White House because of the war in Iraq.

“I’ve been feeling this way for a long time,’’ Noah said. “I ended up going to the White House out of respect for my teammates and everybody. But I really respect this country. I love this country. It’s given me an unbelievab­le opportunit­y. But I have my views. Not everybody has to agree with them. I respect this is a very sensitive subject. A lot of people have sacrificed for this country, died for this country, so I could understand how some people disagree with the way I feel. But at the end of the day that’s what this country is all about.’’

Noah said he doesn’t believe he’s here partly to be the club’s vocal leader and that his solo act countered that.

“I don’t agree with that,’’ Noah said. “I think those are just titles that people give you. I’m going to be who I am. Everybody can be a leader on any given day. I don’t think it’s one particular guy. This isn’t the army. This is basketball. There’s no sergeant. When I see a rookie before practice running wind sprints, that motivates me. So that’s leadership. Everybody can be a leader.”

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