New York Post

Dubya’s Lesson for Trump

Remember all your voters


AFTER pulling off the greatest political feat in modern American history — and maybe in all of American history — Donald Trump is in an enviable position.

With the exception of the very specific guarantee that he will “build the wall,” Trump’s outrageous campaign stances have been effectivel­y rendered obsolete by the election he won.

Let me explain. In 2012, Mitt Romney’s campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom was roundly criticized for saying that the shift from the primaries to the general election was an “Etch-a-Sketch” moment when Romney could shake off the polarizing positions he was forced to adopt to win his party’s nomination and reset his candidacy for the general electorate.

That was a huge problem for Romney, because it made it seem as though he was a man of no fixed principles and that he had been lying to Republican voters to secure their votes. Fehrnstrom’s boneheaded remark had the ironic result of limiting Rom- ney’s ability to pivot to the center.

Trump doesn’t have Romney’s pre-existing authentici­ty problem. Even the fact that the president-elect was capable of taking three different positions on his own tax policy and to say wildly contradict­ory things about almost every major topic from foreign policy to health care to immigratio­n somehow only made him seem more authentica­lly himself.

He promised during the primaries he would “pivot” to a more presidenti­al mien in the general election and never did — and that refusal to alter course may only have enhanced the “he tells it like it is” quality that seems to have impressed so many of his voters.

Since his core supporters apparently weren’t bothered by his policy contradict­ions, Trump now has a freedom most presidents-elect before him haven’t had. His base gives every indication it will not hold him accountabl­e for changing his mind as long as he doesn’t change his tune. If he continues to serve as their tribune, as the vessel for their anger, they will back him to the hilt.

So he is now in the rare position of being able to pick and choose.

Which of his more general statements of purpose will be developed into full-blown legislativ­e proposals requiring congressio­nal approval and, following their passage into law, capable of withstandi­ng constituti­onal challenge in the courts?

Which will only receive lip service? And which will simply and quietly be discarded?

If Trump reads the present situation correctly — and given his ability to read the national mood correctly, who better? — he will understand that his astonishin­g victory was partially if not largely attributab­le to an anti-Clinton wave demonstrat­ed by the shocking withdrawal in key states of support for the Democratic candidate.

When all the votes are in, Trump will likely end up with only 2 million more votes nationally than John McCain received in the 2008 Barack Obama landslide — while Clinton will end up with 6 to 7 million fewer votes than Obama got that year. Even so, she will likely win the national popular vote by around 1.5 million.

Practicall­y speaking, then, Trump is roughly where George W. Bush was when Bush assumed the presidency in 2000. Like Bush, Trump won around 48 percent (though he won 30 more electoral votes), and lost the popular vote.

It is long forgotten that Bush took office having appointed a very conservati­ve cabinet — and then set himself the task of getting a major piece of legislatio­n passed through bipartisan means. He teamed up with Teddy Kennedy on the No Child Left Behind Act. Conservati­ves hate that bill like poison.

9/11 and its aftermath changed the partisan dynamic Bush had sought to kick into gear, but until then he was aiming to win re-election as a bipartisan problem-solver. What if the noise surroundin­g Trump’s transition is meaningles­s, and he tries to do something similar?

Don’t forget that Trump has often said a colossal infrastruc­ture bill is his first priority. To pass that, he’ll have to go bipartisan — he’ll need at least half a dozen Democratic senators to support it, since he’ll have to beat back a filibuster and votes against it by the likes of Rand Paul and Ben Sasse. But Chuck Schumer will be happy to make that deal.

Trump won enormous numbers of extremely conservati­ve voters. Yet the candidate they championed might begin his tenure with a bill that rivals Obama’s stimulus package in size.

Opposing the 2009 stimulus was the key to triggering the Tea Party anti-spending movement that brought the GOP back from the brink after Obama’s massive triumph in 2008.

The danger of the bipartisan Trump strategy, if it’s pursued with a big spending bill, is that he would tear the heart out of the very movement that began the Republican Party renaissanc­e his election completed.

 ??  ?? Downhill from there: Ted Kennedy (top left) at President Bush’s signing of No Child Left Behind.
Downhill from there: Ted Kennedy (top left) at President Bush’s signing of No Child Left Behind.
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