New York Post

SCION GUN NUT SHOT & BUSTED Additional reporting by Larry Celona and Tina Moore

Trust-fund fool ‘opens fire’ in SI woods


He’s the scion of an influentia­l New York family filled with bankers, politician­s and a federal judge.

His great-grandmothe­r is among the Big Apple’s legendary newspaper publishers — the late, longtime Post owner Dorothy “Dolly” Schiff.

But Patrick Allen chose a different path and was shot four times by cops on Staten Island early Thursday when an alleged night of test-firing illegal guns with a buddy went horribly wrong.

“His mom owns half of Times Square,” said a stunned building superinten­dent who knows Allen’s dad, Gerald.

Allen and pal Jonathan Derbyshire, both 24, took a cache of guns and drugs into a wooded area in the Charleston section and were popping off shots at around 1:10 a.m. when residents called 911, cops said.

When officers arrived, Derbyshire fled through the trees as Allen wheeled around and pointed a 9mm Glock pistol, police said.

Cops opened fire, hitting Allen three times in the left leg and once in the left arm. Cops later discovered he was wearing a “heavy ballistic vest” that may have stopped a fifth bullet.

Allen, who has eight sealed arrests for crimes including drug peddling, is suspected of regularly buying legal weed in Colorado and shipping it back to New York for resale, according to sources.

His life of crime is a stunning turn for a family filled with vast wealth and hard-nosed law enforcemen­t.

Allen’s father, Brooklyn prosecutor-turned-criminal-defense lawyer Gerald Allen, told cops he “basically washed his hands” of Patrick years ago and no longer wants anything to do with him, one source said. He declined to comment to The Post.

Allen’s mom, Tess Leopold, is also a former Brooklyn prosecutor. Her mother, Adele Hall Sweet, is married to Manhattan federal Judge Robert Sweet.

Leopold’s late dad, A. Fredric Leopold, was a mayor of Beverly Hills, Calif., and her grandmothe­r was Schiff, whose grandfathe­r was legendary financier Jacob Schiff.

Tess Leopold, a top lawyer for the Beazley insurance company in Farmington, Conn., declined to comment when reached at her desk late Thursday afternoon.

But a source close to the family said: “The Patrick I know is a fun, misunderst­ood trust-fund kid. He was not raised in a stable environmen­t.”

Following Allen’s shooting, cops seized a red-painted Glock he was allegedly carrying and went looking for Derbyshire.

In the woods, they found an AR15-style assault rifle outfitted with a scope and sniper’s bipod, a .38caliber Smith & Wesson revolver, a .45-caliber pistol, a large hunting knife, some prescripti­on pills and several spent shell casings.

Derbyshire, who cops believe tried to hide the stash, was busted at around dawn.

“The helicopter­s with the big searchligh­ts were flying over our house,” said neighborho­od resident Pearl Roe, 70.

“They were searching around all morning, and then at about 6:30 they caught him right here at the end of our property. There was so many cops, it was incredible. I’ve never seen that many in one place.”

Roe noted that shooters often use the woods for illegal target practice and to poach deer.

“My husband chases them out, but I worry they’re going to miss the deer and hit our house,” she said.

Allen was treated at Staten Island University Hospital North before being released into police custody. Charges were pending against both men, cops said.

 ??  ?? GOTCHA: Cops bust Jonathan Derbyshire on Staten Island Thursday after he and a rich pal allegedly shot up the woods and left behind guns and a vest.
GOTCHA: Cops bust Jonathan Derbyshire on Staten Island Thursday after he and a rich pal allegedly shot up the woods and left behind guns and a vest.

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