New York Post

Fed judge orders Trump: LET THEM IN

Court fight over prez immig ban


A federal judge in Seattle late yesterday issued a temporary nationwide halt to President Trump’s immigratio­n ban.

President Trump on Friday began scaling back banking regulation­s that reshaped the financial industry after the 2008 financial collapse.

The president signed an executive order directing a sweeping review of the Dodd-Frank Act, the 2010 law that was one of the most significan­t changes to financial regulation since the Great Depression.

The act subjects the nation’s largest banks to a series of regulatory requiremen­ts, including annual “stress tests” to ensure they can survive another economic crisis.

Additional­ly, it dictates how much capital they must keep in reserve and limits their trading operations.

Dodd-Frank also created a consumer-protection bureau to root out deceptive financial products.

Under Trump’s directive, the Treasury secretary will recommend changes that align with the administra­tion’s goal of easing burdens on the financial industry.

A second order the president signed will delay an Obama-era rule that requires financial profession­als who charge commission­s to put their clients’ interests first when giving retirement advice.

“Today we’re signing core principles for regulating the United States financial system. It doesn’t get much better than that, right?” Trump said at the signing.

Experts predicted Trump’s blue-collar lar back-backers would not be angry angry at the move.

“I don’t think they will. The fact is thathat Trump has taken a number of steps that don’t really fit with his populist rhetoric,” Julian Zelizer, a professor fessor of public affairs at Princeton University, told Thehe Post.

Others agreed theh presi-i dent would not face a backlash for weakening the Dodd-Frank Act.

“I don’t think anyone expected him to leave DoddFrank alone, so this was expected,” said Matthew Hale, a professor at Seton Hall University.

“It can be framed as a technical change and one that frees business from government regulation­s. Both of which make people’s eyes glaze over.”

University of Virginia professor Larry Sabato added: “I doubt Trump’s blue-collar backers will defect because Wall Street is being given some filet mignon. But Trump has to deliver some pork chops to the Rust Belt — a lot of good-paying jobs — in the next couple of years.”

Veteran New York political consultant Hank Sheinkopf disagreed.

“People who don’t like Wall Street are going to be unhappy. People who lost big money on Wall Street in 2008 are going to be very unhappy,” he said.

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