New York Post


Attack in Paris


An Egyptian man wielding two machetes yelled “Allahu Akbar!” as he attacked soldiers at Paris’ Louvre museum Friday before being shot and seriously wounded, according to reports.

French President Francois Hollande said there’s “no doubt” the attack was of a “terrorist nature.”

Four soldiers patrolling at the famed museum barred the 29-year-old man from entering the undergroun­d Carrousel du Louvre shopping complex with two backpacks about 10 a.m. local time, French media reported.

“That’s when he got the knife out and that’s when he tried to stab the soldier,” police official Yves Lefebvre said.

The soldiers first tried to fight off the man, who was carrying two 16-inch machetes, then opened fire, striking him five times. One of the soldiers suffered a minor scalp wound.

The Egyptian-born attacker, whose identity was not released, arrived in France on a flight from Dubai on Jan. 26, sources told Agence France-Presse. His passport showed he had visited Saudi Arabia and Turkey in recent years.

He had spray-paint cans in his packs but no explosives, a source told Reuters.

President Trump fired off a tweet in response to the attack.

“A new radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris. Tourists were locked down. France on edge again. GET SMART U.S.,” he wrote.

Hours after the incident, police raids were launched in the French capital.

The attack at the Louvre sparked fresh jitters in a country beset by tourism woes and still reeling from a series of terror attacks that have left it under a state of emergency since November 2015.

Some witnesses described scenes of panicked people fleeing after learning about the attack via loudspeake­r.

Restaurant worker Sanae Hadraoui, 32, was waiting for breakfast at the Louvre when she heard gunshots.

“I hear a shot,” she said. “Then a second shot. Then maybe two more. I hear people screaming, ‘Evacuate! Evacuate!’ ”

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