New York Post

Hate & love take the 1

Awesome NYers ‘wipe out’ Nazis


New Yorkers sprang into action to remove swastikas and anti-Semitic messages scrawled inside two subway trains over the past week.

A straphange­r’s Facebook post about how he and other riders came together to eliminate hate words and symbols on a No. 1 train Friday went viral.

“I got on the subway in Manhattan tonight and found a swastika on every advertisem­ent and every window. The train was silent as everyone stared at each other, uncomforta­ble and unsure what to do,” Gregory Locke wrote. One of the riders hatched a plan. “Hand sanitizer gets rid of Sharpie,” the unidentifi­ed rider said. “We need alcohol.”

The man found a few tissues and then the crew of strangers “got to work,” Locke said.

“I’ve never seen so many people simultaneo­usly reach into their bags and pockets looking for tissues and Purell. Within about two minutes, all the Nazi symbolism was gone,” he wrote.

Photos showed one of the pas- sengers wiping off “Jews belong in the oven” with a swastika under it that was scrawled onto a subway map.

“Nazi symbolism. On a public train. In New York City. In 2017,” Locke wrote.

A day earlier, on Thursday, a passenger discovered a swastika drawn in green marker on a US flag in a northbound B train car.

But it wasn’t visible for long — riders covered it in black marker and wrote “LOVE” across it.

“This is what New Yorkers do — we turn hate into love,” Gov. Cuomo said in a statement about the incident. “That is our message to the nation and to the world. And we won’t back down. Not now, not ever.”

A passenger on Locke’s train seemed resigned to the idea that events like this will be commonplac­e in “Trump’s America,” but he also refused to let hate win.

“Not as long as stubborn New Yorkers have anything to say about it,” Locke wrote.

The post had more than 376,000 reactions and nearly 260,000 shares Sunday on Facebook.

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