New York Post

Mideast Realism


If you buy most of the initial media coverage, the Trump White House just rebuked Israel on West Bank settlement­s — much as the Obama crew did on its way out. That’s almost perfectly wrong.

Yes, spokesman Sean Spicer did say, “The constructi­on of new settlement­s . . . may not be helpful” in reaching peace.

This followed Israel’s announceme­nt of its first new West Bank settlement in nearly 25 years. But as rebukes go, it was pretty mild — certainly compared to what Israel’s been hearing these past eight years.

And Spicer also said flatly, “We don’t believe the existence of settlement­s is an impediment to peace” — as dramatic a reversal of the Obama-era stance as can be imagined.

Indeed, he added, President Trump “has not taken an official position on settlement activity.” That’s a turnaround not only from Obama but also nearly all his predecesso­rs.

As John Podhoretz notes in Commentary, this also essentiall­y negated Obama’s insistence that any peace deal must be based on Israel’s return to the pre-1967 borders. For that matter, Spicer spoke only of the goal of “peace” — not a two-state solution.

Which strongly suggests that this president understand­s, unlike Obama, that Israeli settlement­s aren’t the prime stumbling block to reaching a Mideast settlement. The main obstacle is the Palestinia­ns' opposition to a Jewish state in any borders — and their continuing refusal to sit down with Israel and negotiate, even after a full, 10-month settlement freeze.

Far from slamming Israel, Trump signaled a return to reality-based Middle East policy. That makes chances for peace better — if the Palestinia­ns will accept reality.

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