New York Post

War on Trump Continues: Trying To Block Gorsuch

THE ISSUE: Senate Democrats vowing to block President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.


President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is brilliant, well-educated, has a squeaky-clean résumé, believes in the Constituti­on and loves the United States (“Dems a block party,” Feb. 1).

Knowing all those things helps me to understand why the Democrats have a problem with him. Honestly, if Trump nominated Jesus Christ for the Supreme Court, the Democrats would have had a problem with him, too. After all, Jesus was pro-life. John Scott Dumont, NJ

Democrats need to stop whining and acting like crybabies.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know President Trump was going to nominate a conservati­ve to the Supreme Court.

But if Trump was a mensch, he would have nominated a woman to help even out the lopsided, male-dominated court.

Just to ensure we don’t lose any of the three females justices, my sug- gestion is to strap Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to her seat, feed her plenty of vitamins, play lots of Mozart for good measure and pray. JoAnn Lee Frank Clearwater, Fla.

Under ordinary circumstan­ces, a distinguis­hed legal scholar who is within the mainstream of conservati­sm, like Gorsuch, would be confirmed without undue delay.

These are not ordinary circumstan­ces.

The Republican­s have decided that Democrats should not have a say in who sits on the court, even when a Democratic president is in office.

Distinguis­hed centrist Judge Merrick Garland was hung out to dry for almost a year. The Republican­s threw down the gauntlet last year when they refused to allow President Obama a selection on the court, and now they expect the Democrats to fold their tent and cooperate? Oren Spiegler Upper St. Clair, Pa.

 ?? Getty Images ?? Judge Gorsuch speaks on Capitol Hill.
Getty Images Judge Gorsuch speaks on Capitol Hill.

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