New York Post


Date-waitD millennial­s


First comes sex, then comes love. Millennial­s are 48 percent more likely than others to slip between the sheets before a first date to see if there is a spark — and nearly 30 percent use sex as a litmus test for lolove, a new study shows.

That could be because a huge number of the country’s 18- to 34year-olds — 177 percent, to be exact — is more likely to feel pressure to get hitched, according to the annual Singles in America study by

Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropolo­gist and the dating Web site’s chief scientific adviser, told The Post the younger generation’s cut-to-the-chase attitude when it comes to dating is what’s driving the sex statistic.

“They’re not getting into bed just to have sex. They’re doing it to see who the person is, if they want to put their time and energy into them,” said Fisher, who calls the trend “fast sex, slow love.”

“Millennial­s are busy,” she added. “They are very active, very ambitious. What they’re going to do is hop into bed right away. You learn a lot between the sheets.”

Though that might not include oral sex, as millennial­s are 66 percent less likely to enjoy the act.

The study, which based its re- sults on more than 5,500 single people surveyed last year, also found that 57 percent of millennial­s feel lonely, even though they’re 125 percent more likely to admit they’re “addicted” to finding true love versus other generation­s.

Millennial­s, characteri­zed as self-obsessed and lazy but openminded and technologi­cally savvy, are also credited with the rise of the crotch shot. Forty-seven percent of millennial men admitted to sending a picture of their manhood and 53 percent of all women surveyed said they’ve been on the receiving end, with 49 percent saying the d--k pic was unsolicite­d.

The survey also found that 29 percent of singles find actual phone calls hot. Another 26 percent think not having a social-media footprint is a turn-on. And 75 percent of all singles said answering your phone on a first date was a buzzkill.

“Forget flowers on Valentine’s Day,” Fisher joked. “Just walk in, pull out your cellphone, turn it off in front of her face and put it in your pocket!”

When it comes to dates, the survey found that overall, 71 percent of single men find it “intriguing” when a woman offers to split the bill. As it turns out, 86 percent of women surveyed said they do it to avoid any post-date obligation.

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