New York Post

Trump’s Message to Iran: No More Mr. Nice President


Thanks to Barack Obama and his European cohorts, Iran is on a fast track to having nuclear weapons capable of hitting the United States, Europe and Israel (“An Iran-Missile Crisis,” F.H. Buckley, PostOpinio­n, Feb. 7).

Obama approved billions of dollars in payments to Iran, including surreptiti­ously airlifting $400 million in cash to the mullahs.

President Trump should release the full contents of Obama’s secret dealings with Iran and order an investigat­ion into how the deal was even made in the first place. Gerald Jacobs Manhattan

Has America gone mad? People are now bashing President Trump for taking a strong position against Iran.

Barack Obama’s weak nuclear agreement with Iran permitted it to launch ballistic missiles. Everyone knows they’ll soon have a nuclear bomb and missiles capable of carrying them.

Now Trump is being criticized for doing more than object to the missile test. He has the balls to retaliate against Iran with sanctions — good for him.

I don’t wish for war with any nation, but unlike Obama, Trump is not going to be walked over and treated like a punching bag. D. Mann Long Island

In light of its recent ballistic missile tests and aggressive behavior against our Navy in the Strait of Hormuz, I un- derstand why Trump is ratcheting up sanctions on Iran.

However, why is Trump still permitting Boeing to sell 80 stateof-the-art 737s to Iran?

The Iranians desperatel­y want Boeing’s jets to upgrade their own antiquated fleet. Let their planes fall from the sky; regardless of revenues generated, America should never ever sell anything to Iran — they’re one of the world’s leading sponsors of terrorism. Michael Maurer Long Branch, NJ

The free press and many elected officials are exaggerati­ng minor diplomatic encounters that are both proper and long overdue.

For example, Iran has violated UN mandates and continues to be a state sponsor of terrorism. What’s wrong with putting it on notice? Charles Prignano Colorado Springs, Colo.

 ??  ?? Barack Obama
Barack Obama

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