New York Post

So Vlad to see Schu

- Bob Fredericks

Displaying mock outrage, President Trump sought to the turn the tables on Sen. Charles Schumer Friday — calling for a probe of the Democratic minority leader for committing a scandalous and unforgivab­le act: meeting with Vladimir Putin at the opening of a Russian gas station in Chelsea in 2003.

Schumer had met Putin in his official capacity as a sitting senator at a public event.

“We should start an immediate investigat­ion into @SenSchumer and his ties to Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!” Trump wrote in an tweaky, tongue-in-cheek tweet.

Schumer on Thursday called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign for initially denying that he had met with any Russian officials during his Senate confirmati­on hearings.

“The bottom line is we have an obligation to get to the truth. We must evaluate the scope of Russia’s interferen­ce in our election,” the New York Democrat tweeted.

But Schumer’s criticism of Sessions didn’t sit well with Trump, who thought it was ridiculous.

Team Trump first fired back by tweeting a photo of Schumer and Putin yukking it up over coffee and doughnuts at the Chelsea gas station.

“@SenSchumer- do it over a

donut and coffee,” White House social-media director Dan Scavino cracked.

The president responded with his own snarky tweet showing the photo hours later.

A Trump spokeswoma­n did not respond to a question about whether Trump was serious, but a White House source told The Post, “No, dude. Take a joke.”

But the New York Democrat fired back later in the day.

“Happily talk re: my contact w Mr. Putin & his associates, took place in ’03 in full view of press & public under oath. Would you &your team?” he wrote on Twitter.

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