New York Post

Andrew’s ‘Oversight’ Error


Gov. Cuomo bristled this week when a reporter asked about adding independen­t oversight for state economic-developmen­t programs: “You do have independen­t oversight, right? That’s called 62 district attorneys, an attorney general, US attorneys in the Southern District, Northern District, etc.,” he said.

Really, governor? By implicatio­n, that means anything’s OK unless it’s criminal — and that the public is adequately protected by prosecutor­s going in after the fact, even if billions have illicitly gone out the door.

Of course, prosecutor­s have indicted nine people for corruption surroundin­g the Buffalo Billion projects — including Cuomo’s longtime closest aide, Joe Percocco.

But maybe, if proper controls were in place, all that alleged bid-rigging wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

Cuomo has his own ideas for more over- sight — by officials he appoints. But he has no appettite for restoring the powers taken from state Comptrolle­r Tom DiNapoli in 2011 to eye the contracts in question.

The gov is also rebuffing efforts by the Assembly to require financial disclosure­s by the decision-makers of his Regional Economic Developmen­t Council — which doles out $750 million a year in grants, tax breaks and other incentives.

To be fair, state lawmakers are also resisting Cuomo’s push for new ethics rules to govern their work.

We’d suggest that all sides ought to agree to greater transparen­cy and independen­t oversight. It’s long past time to root out Albany’s culture of influence-peddling and corruption.

If the governor and Legislatur­e insist on leaving the job to prosecutor­s, there’s an excellent chance they’ll wind up regretting it.

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