New York Post

The bucks stop here for Blas donor pals

Contributi­ons dip amid Preet probe


Major donors are shutting the money spigot to Mayor de Blasio’s re-election campaign as corruption probes swirl around City Hall, according to sources and campaign filings.

De Blasio, the subject of state and federal investigat­ions into his fund-raising, collected 19 percent less cash in the second half of 2016 compared with the first half. From July to December, he collected $842,728 from 2,788 donors. In the six months prior, he brought in $1.04 million from 1,216 donors, according to city campaign-finance records.

Much of the drop in campaign cash is due to the wealthiest donors shunning Hizzoner as the probes heated up. The number of individual­s who give the maximum allowed by law — $4,950 per primary and general election — plummeted from 130 to only 87.

And the total amount those “max donors” contribute­d nose-dived from $633,600 in the first half of last year to $391,050 in the second half.

Even de Blasio’s biggest bundlers have abandoned ship.

“I don’t think I would give money right now,” one top fund-raiser told The Post. “None of my clients will give money right now. I don’t know any industry that would. Nobody wants to get calls from the feds.”

“He’s trying to raise the max from donors and he’s having trouble,” said another benefactor who maxed out despite de Blasio’s troubles. “The coverage of him going to meet with people in the US Attorney’s Office has been harmful. People want to see how it plays out.”

The mayor was quizzed by prosecutor­s from US Attorney Preet Bharara’s office two weeks ago. News about the investigat­ions first trickled out in April, when The Post reported two mayoral donors sought favors from cops in exchange for foreign trips and gifts. The probes have since ballooned to include other donors with business before the city.

No one has come forward to challenge the mayor in the Democratic primary, but little-known Republican Paul Massey has pulled in $1.6 million in just six months for the November election. De Blasio has $3.3 million in his coffers, amassed over three years.

De Blasio has continued to hold fund-raisers, but his outreach to top donors in the real-estate, finance and political worlds has been muted, multiple sources said.

“Why would you even give to [him] if everything will be scrutinize­d, if you’re expecting something from the city?” said another top bundler.

The mayor this weekend hit the road to fundraise in Chicago, Florida and Los Angeles.

He has had to rely on a mix of smaller gifts, which will be matched six times over thanks to the city’s campaign-finance laws.

In the first half of last year he collected $58,680 in checks under $175 from 680 donors. That nearly doubled to $110,150 from 2,229 small donors in the second half of 2016.

“We are proud to be powered by low-dollar contributi­ons from regular New Yorkers,” said De Blasio campaign spokesman Dan Levitan.

But a de Blasio ally said: “He still needs to have big donors. You can’t just get by on $20 donations.”

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