New York Post


ISIS mag to terrorists: Don’t be catty


Chopping people’s heads off is OK, but don’t dare gossip about your wife, according to the latest issue of ISIS’s propaganda magazine.

In an article titled “The Flesh of Your Spouse is Poisonous,” Rumiyah magazine warned the murderous thugs that regardless of how many wives they keep, sniping about them behind their backs simply shows a “lack of manliness.”

“Spouses who speak about each other should know that every secret of their home that is revealed and every ill-spoken word is akin to tears in their clothes,” the article claims, according to a Daily Caller report.

“The more the number of holes and the larger the holes are, the more the fabric of matrimony will inevitably decay, and no amount of patchwork will help after that.”

In seeking to maintain marital bliss, the article further warned ISIS wives not to bad-mouth their co-wives out of “excessive jealousy.”

“Every Muslim woman should remember that any disparagem­ent of her Muslim brother or sister, even with a mere gesture, is prohibited slander, which is one of the greatest sins,” the piece said.

The article acknowledg­ed that even radicals need to “breathe and vent,” but stressed that they should turn to religious counselors to spill their guts.

When a man speaks out of turn, “he exposes the secrets of his relationsh­ip with his wife, as if to remove her veil in front of other men,” the connubial guide said.

“The relationsh­ip between a husband and his wife transcends the limits of this world. Due to the implicatio­ns of the Hereafter, it rises beyond mere desire and pleasure,” the article said, according to the Daily Mail.

“Some spouses — be they men or women — are not careful when it comes to exposing their homes to gossip and idle talk,” the article claims. “We often find husbands talking about the problems that happen between them and their wives in both private and public gatherings, and also find that wives do so as well. Each of them might mention the other, in the latter’s absence, with displeasin­g terms.”

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