New York Post

‘Bam set O’Care bomb’

Don: That was his plan

- By BOB FREDERICKS rfrederick­

President Trump on Friday accused former President Barack Obama and congressio­nal Democrats of conniving to ensure ObamaCare would “explode” in 2017 — because that’s when Obama would be out of office.

“Seventeen would be a disaster for ObamaCare, that’s the year it was meant to explode because Obama won’t be here. That was when it was supposed to . . . As bad as it is now, it will get even worse,” Trump said.

“We must act now to save Americans from the imploding ObamaCare disaster. Premiums have skyrockete­d by double digits and triple digits in some cases . . . and [are] going up a lot higher.”

Trump’s charge came in a brief address to the media before a White House meeting with the chairs of several House committees to discuss their repeal and replacemen­t plan and divisions within the Republican Party over the details.

And while the president didn’t elaborate on the allegation or provide any specifics, IRS penalties for people who don’t buy health insurance have climbed steadily since 2014 as a way to prod more to sign up.

For example, the penalty for an individual in 2014 was the either 1 percent of their income or $95, whichever was greater. A year later, those numbers rose to 2 percent or $325, and in 2016 they rose again to 2.5 percent or $695. For this year, the percentage remained the same, but the dollar amount will rise with inflation.

Trump praised the House Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce committees for passing the health-care reform bill — though he had to be prompted before he remembered the latter body.

Trump has been upbeat about the bill’s chances, contending on Twitter that despite dissension in the ranks, the bill would become law, and “will end in a beautiful picture!”

Meanwhile, a top House Republican defended the replacemen­t of ObamaCare.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) dismissed conservati­ves’ demand that the phaseout of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion should be speeded up from 2020 to 2018.

“I think right now that would be very difficult to do,” he said.

But the president remained flexible on the timing, according to spokesman Sean Spicer — even though Trump said during the campaign that he would not cut Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security.

“If somebody has an idea that can make this legislatio­n more accessible, more choice to the American people, drive down costs, he wants to listen to it,” Spicer said.

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