New York Post


20 years ago Tiger transforme­d golf with win at Augusta


THERE ARE some sporting events that grace our lives and leave such an indelible mark on us we remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at that moment and how it impacted us.

Tiger Woods’ awe-inspiring assault of Augusta National en route to his recordshat­tering, 12-stroke Masters victory in 1997, in which he finished 18-under, is one of those sports moments that forever endures.

This week’s Masters marks the 20-year anniversar­y of that Woods introducti­on to the world as he changed the sport forever.

Some might argue it feels like it took place just last year.

Others might argue it feels like it was generation­s ago.

No one, however, would argue that it wasn’t one of the most important moments the sport has ever seen or that it changed lives as much as it changed the game.

Woods’ win that week increased golf tournament purses to obscene numbers. It sent TV contract numbers skyrocketi­ng. It drew many more eyes to the game.

There’s little question that Woods’ meteoric rise in the game, beginning with that 1997 Masters win, helped produce some of the biggest stars in the game today.

The following are the accounts from many associated with the game to whom The Post interviewe­d about where they were and what they remembered most about the week.


Howell, an Augusta native who used to play high school matches at Augusta National and used to work the manual scoreboard­s during Masters weeks, said he “had known of ’’ Woods before that week and “knew he was special, but I don’t think anybody quite knew he was all that.’’

“I can’t think of one golf tournament that’s changed the game more than that one,’’ Howell said. “You can almost pinpoint to that week the reason we’re playing for the money we’re playing for today and the fanfare of the game.

“In that win that week he checked all the boxes. He’s young, he hit it far, he hit it straight, he had a phenomenal short game. He did it all, and he did it on the biggest, hardest stage in the world. I think in the history of time we’ll look back on that week as sort of a turning point for the profession­al game.


Els, who in later years would become a frequent major championsh­ip bridesmaid to Woods, said he remembered seeing Woods on the range after the roller-coaster opening-round 70 that began with a 40 on the front nine and ended with a 30 on the back, “and I could see the excitement and the joy’’ in Woods’ face.

“He knew he’d won the first hurdle,’’ Els said. “I think he knew then that it was over.’’


Faldo, the defending champion who was paired with Woods in that opening round, knew it was over, too.

“The way I analyzed it, he went out in 40, came back in 30 and we didn’t see him for dust for another 14 years,’’ Faldo said. “That was the start of Tiger and the start of his dominance. It was a special day. You go out in 40 and then you win by 12. That’s something pretty unique.”

Faldo shot 75 that day and followed it with an 81 and missed the cut.


Azinger, an 11-time PGA Tour winner with one major championsh­ip, was paired with Woods in the second round. He began the day one shot ahead of Woods and ended it six shots behind after Woods’ 66 to his 73.

“I never had seen Tiger hit a shot until that round,’’ Azinger said. “When he won the way he won, it was amazing, but you didn’t know its place in history at the time. I didn’t understand its place in history at the time. It wasn’t, to me, the beginning of the unfolding of an historic run. I didn’t see it. My crystal ball had a crack in it.’’


One of the great exchanges of that week involved Montgomeri­e, who was paired with Woods in Saturday’s third round.

On Friday night, Montgomeri­e, three shots behind Woods, waxed poetic about the fact that the young Woods had never been in the position of taking a major championsh­ip lead into the weekend and how everything changes on the weekend of a major.

“The pressure is mounting … and I have a lot more experience in major championsh­ips,’’ Monty said that night.

Woods, in his recently published book, revealed that Montgomeri­e’s words “definitely motivated me.’’

Woods shot 65 that Saturday to Montgomeri­e’s 74, and after the round Monty spoke as if he had seen a ghost.

“All I have to say is one brief comment today,’’ Monty told reporters. “There is no chance … we’re all human beings here … [and] there is no chance humanly possible that Tiger is going to lose this tournament. No way.’’

Montgomeri­e, on a recent NBC conference call, recalled that Saturday round by Woods as “the easiest 65 I’ve ever seen.’’

“From the second hole onwards, I thought, ‘ Hang on a minute. This is something extraordin­ary,’ ’’ he said. “This is a game that I had not seen before and none of us had. I’m probably the reason he did what he did. I thought I would beat him. I was wrong. But I admitted it. I’d just witnessed

something very special. I thought I shot a very solid 74 until I lost to him by nine shots. I witnessed something that nobody else had seen.’’

Montgomeri­e, surely rattled by the thumping he took from Woods on Saturday, shot 81 on Sunday.


The Italian was paired with Woods in the final round. Trailing by eight shots at the start, Rocca played a bit part in the coronation as Woods shot 69 and won by the record 12 shots.

“At that time, he was very powerful and the people were going crazy to see this thing,’’ Rocca recalled. “From the 13th to the 18th, the people supported him like crazy. I don’t know if anyone remembered I was on the golf course. It was good for him, not for me.’’


Stricker had played with Woods earlier in the year at Pebble Beach and realized, “I don’t have that game.’’

“He’s playing it 310 or 315 and hitting 3-wood past my driver and he just had t his i ntimidatin­g l ook a bout hi m and this belief in himself,’’ Stricker said. “So I saw it earlier in the year. But then to see him put it all together at Augusta was pretty cool. He showed the world what he was capable of at that time … and it was just a glimpse of what was to come.”


Woodland, as a teenage boy living in Kansas and playing every sport he could in ’97, said he watched that ’97 Masters on a VHS tape his mother gave him, and it changed his life.

“I watched it over and over and that’s when I got excited about golf,’’ Woodland said. “I was playing so many other sports that I wasn’t focused on golf. But Tiger was an athlete. Where I grew up, nobody played golf. But he made it cool.

“That week changed everything for me. I probably would have tried to play baseball or something else, but he made it cool for athletes to play golf and that’s what I wanted to do. Eventually, I probably will tell him that.’’


Steele was an impression­able teenager growing up outside of Palm Springs, Calif., when Woods did what he did in ’97.

“I had just kind of picked up golf,’’ Steele said. “I definitely remember sitting around and watching that Masters and being so blown away by it — the dominance and the madness. I don’t know that I would be where I am without that week. It definitely motivated me and excited me about the game more than I had ever been before.’’


“There’s nobody who had more influence in my golf game than Tiger,’’ Spieth said. “He brought it in every tournament … t he dominance, the way that he was able to bring it in the majors, the way that he was able to kind of get into contention and be in contention and be at that highest kind of mental part of the game week-in and week-out and major-in and major-out.”


Day was a 9-year-old living in Rockhampto­n, a town in rural Queensland in Australia when Woods was changing the game in a week.

“My dad had this turn-knob TV with bunny ears and you had to move the antenna to get the right picture and it was like really early in the morning,” Day recalled. “I remember [Woods] walking up the 18th and he obliterate­d the field. There’s two moments where Tiger really got me into golf — that moment when he won the ’97 Masters and I started playing more golf than I usually did at that age. Then when I read a book about him when I was 14. Those are the two moments that really kind of changed my life with regards to my career.”


Poulter, who was manning his local pro shop in England selling golf shirts when Woods was dismantlin­g Augusta in ’97, said what transpired “opened everyone’s eyes.’’

“When that happened in ’97, you don’t think anything other that, ‘Wow, this kid’s exceptiona­l,’ ’’ Poulter said. “But I don’t think anyone thought right then he’s going to win 14 majors and take on Jack’s record. That week changed everything. It changed golf for everybody. It changed courses for us all, it changed purses, it changed equipment.’’


North was working his first Masters as an analyst at ESPN that year and called Woods’ dominance “a signal that the rest of the golf world was going to be in a lot of trouble if they expected to beat this guy.’’

“And then there was the impact he’s had over the last 20 years,’’ North said. “He made golf cool for a lot of younger kids. If you were a kid playing on their high school golf team back in the late ’ 90s and early 2000s, all of a sudden now you were proud to walk through the front door of the school with your golf clubs to put in your locker, versus trying to sneak them in the back door. Now, all of a sudden people recognized that golf was a sport that meant something.’’

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HISTORIC! Tiger Woods celebrates after his dominant, 12-stroke victory in the 1997 Masters.

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