New York Post

4 ways to jump-start your a.m. workout

- —Christian Gollayan

N OW that spring is here, it’s time to take advantage of daylight saving time and get up early to hit the gym.

“Working out in the morning lays out the foundation of your day,” says Holly Rilinger, the founder of workout class Lifted at Bandier ( Mondays at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.; 164 Fifth Ave.). “It gives you mental clarity, physical energy and puts you in a better mood. It can make every part of your day better.”

At right are her four tips to finding motivation in the morning.

Announce your new routine on social media.

Sharing your fitness goals on Facebook and Instagram will help keep you more accountabl­e, says Rilinger.

Set out your workout clothes the night before.

Having a cute outfit ready to go will make it easier to get up and get going at the crack of dawn. “When I look good, I feel good, and while I feel good I work out better,” says Rilinger, who wrote a book, “Lifted: 28 Days To Focus Your Mind, Strengthen Your Body and Elevate Your Spirit” (Da Capo), due out on June 6.

Use your sense of smell as an alarm clock.

Keep a bottle of an invigorati­ng essential oil, such as lemongrass or peppermint, next to your bed. Dab a bit near your temples or below your nostrils when you first wake up. “Oils can startle your senses and get your body up quickly,” Rilinger says. Bonus? You’ll smell great, too.

Pair up with a friend who kicks your butt.

“Find your meanest friend and make [him or her] your workout buddy to help motivate you and discourage you from bailing,” Rilinger says. A 2011 study by Idaho State University found that people who work out with a partner were over 30 percent less likely to drop out of their routine than those who exercised solo.

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