New York Post

Weird true BUT


It was a visit from the Easter Alligator.

A Mount Pleasant, SC, family woke up on Sunday morning and found a 9foot-long gator had broken through a screen door and taken refuge on their porch.

A Department of Natural Resources crew removed the 60-year-old alligator. It was trying to get to a breeding pond but made a wrong turn after a fence was recently installed across its usual path.

This alleged Florida crook saved cops some time — and reward money.

Police in Winter Haven posted Facebook pictures of a couple pushing a shopping cart filled with stolen merchandis­e out of a Walmart, and offered a reward.

But Elaina West, 29, wrote on the post: “Ain’t no reward I’m coming in.”

True to her word, she turned herself in. Her husband was also later arrested.

An upstate park has been really swamped lately.

A park about 20 miles north of Albany turned into a lake after being flooded by a million gallons of water over the last few months.

The water at Saratoga National Historical Park is estimated to be 3-feet deep and stretches more than 200 yards. Officials believe a water-main break or drainage problem caused the flood.

It’s a safe bet someone hacked this sign.

An electronic street sign on the University of Nevada’s campus in Reno, normally used to tell drivers to slow down, began blinking the message, “send nudes.”

University spokeswoma­n Kerri Garcia says there hasn’t been any extra nudity on campus.

Ashes to ashes. North Carolina resident Mary Wilkinson had planned to scatter her husband’s ashes among California redwoods, but someone broke into her car in San Francisco, taking clothes, cash, credit cards — and the urn.

Days later, after Wilkinson’s story became public, someone showed up at an SFPD precinct and dropped off the urn. David K. Li, Wires

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