New York Post



It turns out that “snowflakes” aren’t limited to coddling college campuses. New York Times readers and some reporters there fit the definition, too.

The meltdown over the paper’s hiring of conservati­ve columnist Bret Stephens illustrate­s the ideologica­l monster the Times has created. Its relentless advocacy for extreme liberalism has conditione­d readers and staff to expect — and accept — no dissent.

Stephens is being attacked viciously, and a petition calling him a “climate denier” and urging his dismissal has nearly 30,000 signatures. Numerous readers say they have canceled their subscripti­ons, and many comments on his first column were personal and hate-filled.

One reader signing as Voice of america wrote, “Anyone who has ever attempted to have a reasonable discussion with a Republican — on any topic — knows that this is impossible. They aren’t people.”

On a petition, a signer added of Stephens, “Kill him first, then fire him.”

Swimming against a filthy tide of its own making, the paper deserves some credit for hiring Stephens, who left The Wall Street Journal. I say some because, while he is reliably conservati­ve on most foreign-policy issues, Stephens offers one saving grace for the Times — a volcanic revulsion of any and all things Trump.

With hating the president a job requiremen­t, the Gray Lady’s commitment to diversity clearly has its limits.

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