New York Post

Weird true BUT

- Eileen AJ Connelly, with Wire Services

You may now kiss the donkey?

A South African farmer caught defiling an ass should marry it because “sorry” wasn’t good enough, its owner says.

The elders have yet to decide the abuser’s fate.

A Florida man is facing home foreclosur­e because his mailbox needed a paint job.

The homeowner’s associatio­n at the man’s subdivisio­n placed a lien on his house after a warning notice over chipping paint on his mailbox went unheeded.

But the notice was sent to his ex-girlfriend, who no longer lives there.

Now he’s hoping the associatio­n’s board will accept a repayment plan so he doesn’t lose his abode. Finally, a good virus. Hackers behind the infamous WannaCry computer infection inadverten­tly helped Australian drivers avoid costly fines.

Fifty-five traffic cameras, most in Melbourne, were infected after a maintenanc­e worker unknowingl­y uploaded the malware to the camera network.

Police canceled 590 speeding and red-light fines.

The waters near a Northern California dam whose near-collapse forced thousands to evacuate in February are now filled with frightenin­g creatures.

Pacific lampreys, a primitive, parasitic fish that latches onto its prey with a round, sucker-like mouth, have shown up en masse on the Feather River near the Oroville Dam.

A contractor faked his death to avoid dealing with some unhappy customers.

A Pennsylvan­ia couple went south in December to move into the Florida house they hired the contractor to renovate the prior April, and found it in shambles.

But when they texted the contractor, his daughter responded saying the man had died in a car wreck.

The homeowner spent weeks on a stakeout and eventually spotted the man.

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