New York Post

Dem: I’m ‘queasy’ on Lynch

E-mail probe fallout


WASHINGTON — Borrowing a line from ousted FBI director James Comey, the top Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee said Sunday he’s “queasy” about the possibilit­y of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch meddling in the FBI’s investigat­ion of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails.

“It does give me a queasy feeling as well,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Schiff was siding with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (DCalif.), who also said she felt “queasy” over the thought that Clinton’s email investigat­ion may have become politicize­d by Lynch (pictured). The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched an investigat­ion into whether Lynch tried to stifle the Clinton probe.

Former FBI Director James Comey told Congress earlier this month that Lynch asked him to downplay his Clinton “investigat­ion” by calling it a “matter.”

He said the request gave him a “queasy feeling.”

While Lynch may have a “perfectly accurate explanatio­n” for using that term, Comey’s testimony should not be the last word, Schiff said.

“I’d like to hear what Loretta Lynch’s explanatio­n for that is, either by having her come to the Hill or by having her speak publicly,” Schiff said.

Schiff, who has been aggressive­ly pursuing the Russia probe in the House, also believes President Barack Obama should have done more to alert the public before the election and should have imposed stronger sanctions.

“I think what he should have done — and what I urged at the time — was he should have spoken out to the American people and said: ‘ This is what Russia is doing. Russia had better stop it,’ ” Schiff said.

Obama, who had been campaignin­g for Clinton, and his administra­tion were hesitant about acting too aggressive­ly against Russia over concerns they might damage the integrity of the 2016 presidenti­al election. One former Obama official put it bluntly in The Washington Post: “I feel like we sort of choked.”

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