New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Eileen AJ Connelly and Ben Kochman with Wires

Yolk’s on them. Two Florida pranksters who thought it would be a crack-up to throw eggs at a bicyclist ended up in cuffs after their alleged target, an offduty cop, chased them down.

Lakeland Lt. Michael Lewis was cycling during his lunch break when he felt something hit the back of his helmet. The officer then called for more motorized backup to pursue the men in their car.

John Stone and Hunter Jones, both 18, were charged with misdemeano­rs.

The hunt is on for a manic monkey accused of attacking a teenage girl and her grandfathe­r in Texas.

Mariah Schliesing, 16, was driving with her grandpa outside Houston when they spotted the mystery monkey by the side of the road.

She was scratched on her head, neck and shoulders when she rolled down the window to snap a photo. The South Houston Humane Department is investigat­ing.

More than 22,000 homes and businesses lost power when a large snake slithered onto a high-voltage circuit breaker in Florida.

The red rat snake was fatally electrocut­ed. Jacksonvil­le’s Electric Authority said animal-related power outages happen about once every two years in the city.

North Carolina cops found the culprit in a break-in at a taxidermy shop: a deer “trying to free his friend.”

That was a Walnut’s Cove sheriff ’s deputy’s theory as he shot video of the deer causing a ruckus inside the Stokes County Store.

The officer told the shop’s owners about the deer inside their store and at first they weren’t surprised.

“No, I mean a live one,” the cop assured them.

At least they had some treats to fill the time.

Chocolate bars spilled onto a highway in England after a candy-filled truck burst into flames, cops said.

Traffic in Kent was snarled for hours as authoritie­s cleared melted Nestle Lion bars out of the road.

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