New York Post

Riders pin blame mostly on gov: poll


New Yorkers overwhelmi­ngly agree the subway system is hell on rails, according to a new poll — and most of them hold Gov. Cuomo personally responsibl­e.

“Every day seems to bring a new horror story from the subways and, so far at least, New Yorkers pin the blame more on Gov. Andrew Cuomo than Mayor Bill de Blasio,” said Maurice Carroll, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, which released the new study Thursday.

As riders endure daily head- aches from chronic delays and derailment­s, more than twothirds of them now think the subway is in “poor” or “not so good” condition — and a third say they’ve given up on the system entirely in favor of more reliable modes of transporta­tion.

Things are so bad, straphange­rs say they’re surprised that

anyone described the subway as “good” on the survey.

“I can’t believe 30 percent are satisfied! It would be faster if I walked to work every day,” said Rashad Asfour, 46, who commutes from Harlem to his job at a Midtown jewelry shop.

Cuomo and de Blasio have pointed fingers at each other over the mess, but more people are buying what the mayor is selling.

Around 40 percent of those polled believe the governor is responsibl­e for their misery, while only 21 percent put the blame on de Blasio.

Another 20 percent say both are to blame.

“De Blasio is not the smartest politician, but on this one he’s done just what he ought to do. He focuses on, ‘It’s Cuomo! It’s Cuomo! Why doesn’t he give us the money?’ ” said Carroll.

Hizzoner even used the poll

as another opportunit­y to take a jab at his foe.

“This poll tells us what we already know: the governor runs the MTA and the state of the subway system is unacceptab­le,” said City Hall spokesman Austin Finan.

“The sooner the state returns the money it siphoned away from the MTA, the quicker it can get to work on getting city riders moving again.”

But fed-up riders say this is no time for political point-scoring.

“I honestly don’t know who’s technicall­y responsibl­e, but I don’t want to see de Blasio pointing fingers. I want to see him doing something about the subways, because commuting is a nightmare,” said Analisa Guerrero, 27, who commutes from Fordham Heights in The Bronx to downtown Manhattan on the 4 train.

Others said they’re not holding their breath for either pol to step up to the plate.

“I think both de Blasio and the governor clearly have their own agendas, and fixing the subways is not on it. If it was, they would have fixed this mess awhile ago. It’s like a joke,” said Kevin DiLombardo, 37, who commutes from Kingsbridg­e in The Bronx to Midtown every day on the 1 train. Despite pinning the blame on Cuomo, more riders say they’re on Cuomo’s side in the feud — 38 percent versus de Blasio’s 32. That’s because more people prefer the governor ideologica­lly, Carroll said.

But the “Summer of Hell” is neverthele­ss threatenin­g to derail the governor’s possible presidenti­al ambitions, the pollster added.

“He’s got to get the subway system straighten­ed out because this is going to escalate. It’s not only the subways. Go to Penn Station and New Jersey is jumping all over that,” he said.

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