New York Post

Bern-ing Cash

Dems embrace a disastrous health-care idea

- MICHAEL TANNER Mike Tanner is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.

AS Republican­s continue to stumble and bumble in what is likely a doomed attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare, there has been an increasing­ly desperate search for a bipartisan alternativ­e. But that Kumbaya moment isn’t going to happen any time soon.

After all, health-care reform is a matter of deep ideologica­l conviction for both parties. Most Republican­s understand that the desire for universal health insurance cannot repeal the basic laws of economics. They might be too timid to unwind ObamaCare, but most understand that government and health care are a poor mix. And Democrats? If anything, Democrats want to double down on their call for government control of the health-care system.

Democrats, in fact, have moved far to the left on health care. In the 2016 presidenti­al primaries, Bernie Sanders proposed “Medicare for All.” Most Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, distanced themselves from the idea. Today, the idea of “single-payer” health care is rapidly becoming part of Democratic orthodoxy.

Just last weekend, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand told The Wall Street Journal that she now supports a single-payer system. And her colleague, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, declared “single-payer is on the table” for Democrats. Sanders may have lost the battle for his party’s nomination, but he is clearly winning the war over its future direction.

How the public will react to the Democrats’ desire for government-run health care remains to be seen. According to a recent Pew poll, only a third of Americans support a singlepaye­r system (although that number rises to 52 percent among Democrats and 64 percent among liberals). Americans clearly want everyone to have access to health care — we are a compassion­ate people — but they’re not rushing to put the government in charge.

After all, Americans can just look to Bernie’s model, Medicare, with its $50 trillion in unfunded future liabilitie­s, and recognize that a single-payer system would be prohibitiv­ely expensive. Recall that Bernie’s campaign proposal would’ve cost more than $30 trillion over its first 10 years.

Earlier this summer, California legislator­s abandoned an effort to establish a statewide single-payer system, after the legislatur­e’s own estimates said it would cost some $400 billion per year — more than the state’s entire budget. In New York, a proposal for a state single-payer system was estimated to cost $226 billion per year.

Of course, in the face of this unaffordab­le tide of red ink, Democrats will point out that other countries with singlepaye­r systems spend less on health care than the United States. But that comes with a price of its own: limits on the availabili­ty of care. Some developed countries ration care directly. Some spend less on facilities, technology or physician incomes, leading to long waits for care.

Such tradeoffs aren’t inherently bad, and not all health care is of equal value. Plus, the United States imposes its own form of rationing by price. No healthcare system anywhere in the world provides everyone with unlimited care. However, Americans have always believed that such determinat­ions are most appropriat­ely made by patients rather than the government.

The recent tragedy of young Charlie Gard in the United Kingdom may have had as much to do with the British legal treatment of parental rights as it did with rationing by the National Health Service, but is emblematic of the type of government interferen­ce with health decisions that Americans are unlikely to tolerate.

Moreover, the US investment in health care helps drive medical innovation and technology around the world. There’s a reason why more than half of all new drugs are patented in the United States, and why 80 percent of non-pharmaceut­ical medical breakthrou­ghs, from transplant­s to MRIs, were introduced first here. Just imagine what would’ve happened if the government had imposed singlepaye­r-style price controls on health care a hundred years ago. How many life-saving drugs or vital medical technologi­es would not exist today?

The ongoing health-care circus in Washington may seem to be full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. But it’s really about who should control some of the most personal and important decisions in a person’s life — millions of individual consumers or the government bureaucrac­y. The Democrats have chosen their side in this debate. Now, let’s see what the Republican­s think.

 ??  ?? Unhealthy fixation: Sens. Sanders (l) and Schumer want single-payer.
Unhealthy fixation: Sens. Sanders (l) and Schumer want single-payer.
 ??  ??

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