New York Post

Dad’s bad Jr. move


Donald Trump Jr.’s flimsy explanatio­n for meeting with Russian operatives during the presidenti­al campaign reportedly came directly from his father.

The president was aboard Air Force One on July 8 when he decided to scrap a more honest response to the Trump Tower meeting and dictate the statement that his son “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children,” according to a report published by The Washington Post Monday night.

Within days, it became clear that the meeting was about more than the adoption issue.

The Russians were offering damaging informatio­n about Hillary Clinton they said could help Trump win the election.

Trump aides, worried about the investigat­ion by special counsel Robert Mueller, were shocked by the president’s alleged strategy.

“This was . . . unnecessar­y,” one adviser told the paper. “Now someone can claim he’s the one who attempted to mislead. Somebody can argue the president is saying he doesn’t want you to say the whole truth.”

Another adviser said that the president may be handling tasks that should be outsourced to his staff.

“He refuses to sit still,” the adviser said. “He doesn’t think he’s in any legal jeopardy, so he really views this as a political problem he is going to solve by himself.”

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