New York Post

We Need To Find Out Why Navy Ships Keep Crashing


What do the USS Fitzgerald and the USS John S. McCain have in common? Both are out of action (“Miss. fix is in for crash ship,” Aug. 24).

Every time an American warship goes on the rocks, an admiral should lose his job. The officers of damaged ships should be sacked, and other crew members should resign or be discharged. There is no excuse for failure when it puts American security at risk.

It’s time to build some new warships. Edmond Day Rotterdam

The USS McCain collision is the fourth warship accident this year. Something is definitely rotten here.

We need to know what caused each of these incidents; we should have some answers by now. It better not happen again. Barbara Paolucci Manhattan

There is no question that President Trump’s off-the-cuff response to the latest naval accident, “that’s too bad,” was a poor choice of words.

But the more important issue is that despite all of our Navy’s technologi­cal expertise, this is the second warship collision in the last few months.

It is inconceiva­ble that, with all of the Navy’s failsafe systems and sophistica­ted computer-warning systems, another vessel could get close enough to one of our warships to cause such damage and loss of life.

We should stop examining every word the president utters and fo- cus on how and why these collisions took place. Alan Brooks Brooklyn

It’s unbelievab­le that two of our Navy warships have collided with merchant ships on the high seas within a few months.

I’m not usually one to second-guess, but is someone hacking these warships’ computers?

Maybe the Navy should look into this possibilit­y first. Joseph Saraceno Gardena, Calif.

The mightiest military of all time says its warship was severely damaged by a bunch of sleeping nobodies on an oil tanker. And it’s happened more than once.

I’m going to guess they’ll never explain the prior three warship crashes from this year. We’re being lied to, as always. And we’re getting angrier each day. Joe Crow-Bryan The Bronx

 ??  ?? USS John S. McCain
USS John S. McCain

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