New York Post

Nuke Regrets

Iran-deal supporters admit its weaknesses


THE public line from the supporters of the Iran nuclear deal in the last two years has been clear. The Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action, as the core agreement is known, is wonderful. As President Barack Obama said after its negotiatio­ns were completed in 2015: “There’s a reason why 99 percent of the world thinks that this is a good deal: It’s because it’s a good deal.”

And you’ll encounter this kind of thing on social media today.

It’s reminiscen­t of what journalist David Samuels described in 2015 as an echo chamber of prominent arms-control experts, sympatheti­c journalist­s and Obama administra­tion staffers deployed to sell the nuclear bargain to the public and Congress. Their party line is that the deal is the best possible way to limit Iran’s nuclear rise.

Nonetheles­s, many of these experts and former officials are also beginning to acknowledg­e that the nuclear deal they sold in 2015 is flawed. Next month, the Brookings Institutio­n will host an off-the-record meeting of policy experts — some who favor the deal, some who oppose it — to discuss how to address the nuclear agreement’s flaws.

The State Department’s former special adviser for nonprolife­ration and arms control, Bob Einhorn, invited these nonprolife­ration experts to “one or more workshops to address the nuclear deal’s ‘sunset’ problem,” which he said was the risk that, “when key nuclear restrictio­ns of the JCPOA expire, Iran will be free to build up its nuclear capabiliti­es, especially its enrichment capacity, and drasticall­y reduce the time it would need to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon.”

This was a key objection voiced by Israel in 2015 when it publicly opposed Obama’s deal with Iran. Between 2025 and 2030, the agreement to limit Iran’s stocks of low-enriched uranium and the number of centrifuge cascades it can operate will expire, allowing Iran to erect an industrial-scale nuclear program if it chooses.

At the time, Israel’s objections were dismissed and derided by the White House. Obama called the deal’s critics warmongers.

Today, former Obama officials are singing a different song. Einhorn, who served from 2009 to 2013 in the Obama administra­tion, told me: “Everyone recognizes that the deal is not ideal. I think President Obama would say the deal is not ideal.”

He added: “There have been all kinds of ideas for how it can be strengthen­ed. Strong supporters of the deal would acknowledg­e that. Let’s think of a strategy for how some of its shortcomin­gs can be remedied.”

Iran has continued to test ballistic missiles and has warned it won’t allow inspection­s of military sites — highlighti­ng ambiguitie­s in the agreement. Einhorn’s quiet effort coincides with a new Trump administra­tion strategy that looks to use the president’s decertific­ation of Iranian compliance with the deal as leverage to negotiate additional restrictio­ns that address the sunset provisions.

So far, the echo chamber has opposed this strategy. The fear is that Trump’s decertific­ation, which would not automatica­lly reinstate the crippling sanctions that were lifted as a condition of the deal, would potentiall­y unravel the nuclear agreement and leave the internatio­nal community with even less transparen­cy about Iran’s nuclear program. Congress would have 60 days to debate whether to reimpose those sanctions.

Colin Kahl, who served as Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser in Obama’s second term, told me in an e-mail this week that it was worthwhile to begin looking at the flaws of the agreement, but he opposed any strategy in which Trump would decertify Iran’s compliance.

“There is no need to force a crisis over it at this very moment — as Trump and some deal opponents seem inclined to do — given that elements of the JCPOA don’t begin to sunset until 2026-2031,” he wrote. He added that any negotiatio­ns to further restrict Iran ought to include “possible positive inducement­s” for Iran.

Perhaps. But Iran negotiated the current deal only after the US imposed and enforced sanctions that cut its banking system off from the internatio­nal economy and cut off its ability to export oil. Those so-called secondary sanctions crippled Iran’s economy, because they applied not only to Iran but also to any foreign entities that did business with it.

What’s to say the threat of bringing back those sanctions won’t persuade America’s European allies to try to fix the nuclear deal’s flaws? It worked before.

 ??  ?? Happy foe: Iranian FM Zarif yuks it up in Austria after signing the pact.
Happy foe: Iranian FM Zarif yuks it up in Austria after signing the pact.
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