New York Post


As postseason push continues, Yankees face decision over possible Severino innings cap


Luis Severino has cemented himself as the Yankees’ ace, which means they could have a decision to make in the near future: Keep Severino pitching on a regular rotation or cut back his innings in an attempt to protect his arm.

Severino heads into his start Friday night against the Orioles already having set a career-high with 176 ¹/3 innings. He’s on pace to finish the regular season at 195 innings. Add even three postseason outings to that and he could be at 215-220 innings, a huge jump in workload.

Before this season, Severino had never pitched more than the 161 2/3 he logged in 2015, when an innings limit for the right-hander also was on the team’s radar.

For now, the Yankees remain focused on their effort to catch the Red Sox and win the AL East. If they do make it into the ALDS and beyond, it’s an issue the Yankees no doubt would love to have to wrestle with, but it’s one for which there’s no easy answer.

General manager Brian Cashman declined to comment on the subject Thursday, citing the uproar created by the “Joba Rules” that created such a stir a decade ago and ultimately didn’t lead to a long career for Joba Chamberlai­n.

But the Yankees obviously have a plan in place for the 23-year-old Severino.

“We react to different variables at all times,” Cashman said.

They didn’t acknowledg­e an innings-limit for lefthanded rookie Jordan Montgomery until it was implemente­d in the second half.

They have gone to a sixman rotation, but that won’t be an option if they move on into October.

And they are keenly aware of what can happen to young pitchers on teams that advance far into the postseason.

All they have to do, of course, is look across town at the Mets and their run to the World Series two seasons ago. Matt Harvey infamously blew past his innings limit after he had undergone Tommy John surgery.

Harvey has never been the same since that October. Severino isn’t coming back from surgery, but he’s aware of the risks involved — and isn’t overly concerned.

“I know people talk about it, but I feel good, I feel strong,” Severino said. “I’m not thinking about it. I’ve been through it before in 2015. If I have to pitch six innings, that’s fine, but I want to be on the mound.”

And he already is looking forward to the postseason.

“I want to pitch in the playoffs more than anything,” Severino said. “It’s something I’ve always looked forward to as a player and espe- cially two years ago, when I was here.”

He has shown no signs of slowing down.

Since July 8, Severino is 7-2 with a 2.23 ERA — and that includes the 10-run disaster against the Red Sox on Aug. 12. Without that start, Severino has a 1.37 ERA during that stretch.

“I’ve felt strong all year and I still feel strong,’’ Severino said. “I can’t imagine not pitching. This is what we work so hard for. I know they think about that kind of stuff, but as a player, you can’t worry about it.”

Dellin Betances also didn’t want to imagine an October with a limited Severino.

“He’s been one of the best pitchers in this game,’’ Betances said. “We need him in the playoffs as much as anyone on this team. He’s strong. His velocity has kept up the whole year, which isn’t easy to do. I don’t think there are any signs of him slowing down and being in the playoffs will be an extra adrenaline boost. He’ll be fine.”

 ??  ?? TO PITCH … OR NOT: Luis Severino, the 2017 Yankees’ unquestion­ed ace, already has thrown more innings than ever before, but he’s not looking to have a limit put on his pitching this season. Paul J. Bereswill
TO PITCH … OR NOT: Luis Severino, the 2017 Yankees’ unquestion­ed ace, already has thrown more innings than ever before, but he’s not looking to have a limit put on his pitching this season. Paul J. Bereswill

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