New York Post


Jackie Hoffman


If they gave an award Sunday night for Most Hilarious Emmy Campaign, Jackie Hoffman would win. Nominated for her role as Mamacita in “Feud: Bette and Joan,” she made a video of herself calling the other actresses in her category, offering to accept the award for them. Meanwhile, she’s back on Broadway in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Hoffman, 56, and her musician husband, Steve Smyth, tend to stay close to their Chelsea home, with a few exceptions. She tells BARBARA HOFFMAN( no relation) about her favorite haunts.

My husband has a car, and after being on a waiting list for 10 years, we finally got a parking space. That changed our lives — now we can go to the Costco in Long Island City at will! We like bulk and we like cheap, and they have great produce. Sometimes you’ll go to Gristedes, and a single red bell pepper will be, like, $2.39. At Costco, you can get seven of them for $5.

We’re also dog lovers. We haven’t adopted one yet, but we’re taking action. There’s a dog park on Leroy Street, when you walk toward the river, and we’ll sit there and watch dogs forever!

I’m not a big online shopper. I love the experience of walking into stores, and I’ve always been faithful to Lord & Taylor and Macy’s. Sometimes I’ll browse along lower Fifth Avenue, around 17th to 20th streets. There’s an Anthropolo­gie that serves as a reminder of how old I am. I always tell myself I’ve outgrown their merchandis­e, and then I’ll go back in there: “Oh, this is cute!” I refuse to dress my age.

I’m not a “I go here for my cappuccino” type of New Yorker. But there’s a place near us that’s really romantic and cute. It’s Pars [Grill House] on 26th Street in northern Chelsea, which I call NoCha! They serve eggplant-y, baba ghanoush-y, Middle Eastern-y cuisine. The décor’s kind of sweet: dim lighting and Middle Eastern rug shmattes thrown on benches. It’s got a nice “Lawrence of Arabia” vibe to it.

I have a dear friend who’s an artist, Steve Taylor, who painted these rose tattoos and Celtic patterns in the street. If I want a really good time, I’ll go without my husband to Steve’s loft on 27th Street, and we’ll watch all the TV my husband doesn’t want to watch at home. “Housewives” is my shallow joy.

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