New York Post

Nic would make a great gov:

- Kirstan Conley ley

Assemblywo­man Nicole Malliotaki­s could emerge from the mayoral race as a contender for governor or other statewide office in 2018, GOP state Chairman Ed Cox said on Tuesday.

“I’d love it simply because of my admiration for the Assembly [Republican­s] and what they stand for,” he said.

Cox gave the assessment to reporters after being asked if he’d like to see the Staten Island/Brooklyn lawmaker run for governor.

“Great candidate for mayor,” he said. “With the right circumstan­ces, she could be elected mayor. If that were not to happen, I could see her being a very effective candidate for other offices,” Cox said.

Malliotaki­s (right) has her work cut out for her unseating Mayor de Blasio in the heavily Democratic city. But even if she loses on Election Day, she has raised her profile, name recognitio­n and credibilit­y for higher office, according to Cox.

Cox said also that de Blasio is “energizing” GOP voters around the nation with his policies and comportmen­t.

“The way he’s conducting himself, as I travel around the country, whether it’s Texas or California, I find that they say the wayy he is conduct-conducting himself as mayor, the way he’s laid back, the way he’s not really managing the city, thehe way he’s un-undoing all thethe reforms that Rudy [Giuliani] did . . . they’re saying [de Blasio is] going in the wrong direction and that is energizing our voters,” Cox said.

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