New York Post

Laurie Bricker and Judith Klamar


At Mimi’s Italian Restaurant & Piano Bar, at Second Avenue and East 52nd Street, a feud has been raging for nearly four decades between bartender Laurie Bricker and hostess/server Judith Klamar.

The regulars eat it up like Mimi’s marinara sauce.

“Early on, you pick Team Judy or Team Laurie,” a customer tells The Post. “Once I sat on Laurie’s side, and Judy didn’t talk to me for days.”

Bricker is a talented cabaret singer who has poured drinks at Mimi’s for 39 years; Klamar is the sister of the establishm­ent’s founder, Marian, and has waited tables at the joint for 38 years.

“We love each other, but sometimes we don’t like each other,” says Klamar, who is originally from Hungary. “It’s like a bad marriage.”

Of her customers’ divided loyalties, she adds, “Everybody has a favorite, and everybody has a nonfavorit­e.”

Of course, Bricker views the dynamic differentl­y.

“Usually, Team Judy really likes me, too,” she says. “But they don’t necessaril­y tell her that.”

Mimi’s was among Bricker’s first jobs when she moved to the city from Long Island at age 20. Most nights she sings with the bar’s pianist, Chicken Delicious, and shows little patience for rowdy audiences.

“I start by politely asking them to quiet down. Eventually, I say, ‘Get the hell out!’ ”

Klamar started working at her sister’s place in 1979.

“I was in diapers,” she says of that era. “Now I’m in diapers again!”

But if you ask the hostess why she’s still waiting tables in her golden years, you’ll get a mouthful.

“I say, ‘ Idiot! The bills are still coming!’ ” Klamar says.

Not quitting may be the one issue the two women agree on.

“My brother actually said, ‘Nobody leaves Mimi’s — they die,’ ” Bricker says. “Horrible thing to say!”

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