New York Post

Protecting a Predator: Hollywood’s Harvey Hush


I got a good chuckle over Woody Allen’s plea for Hollywood to avoid a “witch hunt” against Harvey Weinstein (“Witless for the defense,” Oct. 16).

Sorry, Woody, but the truth is Hollywood couldn’t care less about Weinstein’s alleged sexual misconduct. It’s been an open secret for decades. If anyone in Hollywood actually cared, this scandal would have come out many years ago.

After pretending to be horrified by President Trump’s comments to Billy Bush, this holierthan-thou group of hypocrites must now pretend to be even more horrified that Weinstein was actually out there grabbing, and more. Carol Meltzer Manhattan

Hollywood claims to be outraged that media mogul Weinstein has been a sexual predator for many years. Isn’t this the same community that gave an Academy Award to convicted child rapist Roman Polanski?

Why does the media allow Hollywood to get away with such hypocrisy? Because they want to ask the really important questions such as, “who designed your gown?” Joe Zeloof Hamilton, NJ

Weinstein’s amoral behavior was not about the color of his politics, red or blue, but the color of his money.

His abuse was accepted because of his money and power. Ingénues were fed to him like spring lambs at Easter.

So, why are politics being bandied about when discussing this deranged facsimile of a man? Treat Weinstein like the pig he is, no matter your politics.

His reputation has been ruined and, hopefully, his career. The courts can now serve up Weinstein like a slab of bacon to be devoured by his victims’ settlement­s. Justice, too, can be tasty. Mary Alice Altorfe New Braunfels

I’m completely nauseated by Weinstein. I was disgusted by Anthony Weiner, too. What’s so troubling to me is that there are many men (and women) in powerful positions who abuse others, but because they’re not in the public eye like Weinstein or Weiner, and their victims may not have reached the numbers of these two disgusting creatures, their victims usually suffer alone in silence.

Small stories are still stories, and it doesn’t make abuse and bullying any less horrific. Abuse is abuse whether it is in Hollywood, a high-rise building, middle America or a ghetto.

Our society needs to wake up and recognize all victims of abuse. Elyse Rubin Rockaway Park

It’s amazing that so few in Hollywood spoke up earlier to save women from being assaulted by Weinstein.

They all knew but did nothing. Shame on them.

These Hollywood types are the lowest form of narcissist­s who ever walked the earth. They should be ashamed that they let this happen.

It’s no wonder the political left sides with Hollywood. They’re a perfect pairing. Harry D’Onofrio Bohemia

The response to revelation­s about Weinstein’s alleged sexual misbehavio­r has been quite different than when similar allegation­s were made against President Bill Clinton.

Both were accused of unwanted sexual contact with women, some of whom have claimed they were raped.

Clinton seems to have used his political position in a manner similar to how Weinstein used his business position in that they both expected that women reporting the behavior would not be believed.

Could it be that celebrity complaints carry more weight than similar allegation­s by “little people?” Peter Welch Carmel

Can you comprehend the hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton in condemning Weinstein’s vile actions, when she has been married to another accused abuser for 40 years? She never reprimande­d him.

Maybe that’s why she took six days to rebuke Weinstein, who was also a financial benefactor. Thank God she lost the election. Chuck Lehmann Delray Beach, Fla.

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