New York Post

Fighting for AFRICA

The death of four soldiers in Niger last month revealed a little-known fact: US forces are widely deployed across Africa in the War on Terror


LAST month, four American soldiers died in an ambush in Niger, a country few college graduates can locate on a map. Media figures either couldn’t pronounce the name properly or confused it with Nigeria. Inattentiv­e members of Congress expressed surprise at our presence in the country.

But our troops are in Africa and, if our leaders are wise, we’ll maintain our commitment. It’s a strategic frontier where global crises converge, from the centuries-old struggle between Islam and Christiani­ty, through mass migration, to China’s resource-grabbing neocolonia­lism.

To cover that vast space — Niger alone is twice California’s size — we deploy a mere 4,000 to 6,000 service members to the entire continent, depending on the missions of the moment. Our African engagement is what the military terms an “economy of force” effort, doing a great deal with very little. But the stakes are enormous.

Jihad’s African comeback

Throughout the post-World War II period, an even-smaller US military presence concentrat­ed on training African forces to fight more effectivel­y, to behave profession­ally and not to overthrow their government­s (our success was mixed). But beginning in the late 1970s and accelerati­ng in the 1980s, the world suffered the resurgence of blood-red jihad, striking Africa from Algeria to Somalia. At first, we deluded ourselves that we had few interests outside of a handful of major African countries. We failed catastroph­ically to recognize the dynamism and the imperial reach of jihadi fanatics.

On 9/11, we started to get the message.

But we also got much wrong. Administra­tion after administra­tion either fled Africa (as did Bill Clinton), or focused on humanitari­an aid (as George W. Bush did nobly) or toppled secular tyrants without a follow-up plan (as Barack Obama did with Khaddafy in Libya).

Security got short-changed. Although our military establishe­d the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) a decade ago, we headquarte­red it in Stuttgart, Germany, the equivalent of parking the NYPD commission­er in Portland, Ore. Even now, we have only one acknowledg­ed base on the continent, Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa, and a few quiet outposts elsewhere.

In this decade, the wildfire spread of jihad across the northern third of Africa finally brought us to the aid of besieged local government­s and the French — who had been doing their best to hold the line. But it took a string of terrorist successes to get us moving.

Al-Shabaab proved resilient in Somalia. Boko Haram slaughtere­d and kidnapped its way across northern Nigeria. Islamists seized Timbuktu and threatened the rest of Mali. Fanaticism gnawed at Chad, Niger and their neighbors. Meanwhile, the Obama administra­tion’s bumbling in Libya opened up a major refuge for jihadis, even as the Islamic State’s self-declared caliphate died in the Middle East.

In this age of militarize­d, hypermobil­e terrorism, we have to go where our enemies go. We’re in Africa, above all, to keep our homeland safe. Our thin presence consists of special operators, drone support, intelligen­ce personnel, military-assistance teams and vital-but-often-for-gotten defense attachés, performing missions that range from clandestin­e terrorist hunting to training local forces. Mostly, we conduct small-group missions “far from the flagpole,” often under high-risk circumstan­ces. Most of our troops aren’t there to fight, but, as in Niger, the fight sometimes comes to them.

The loss of four Special Forces personnel in Niger resulted from an ambush on unfamiliar territory and, quite possibly, a betrayal (always a concern in any counterins­urgency effort). Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four fatal casualties, apparently had been taken alive, tortured, executed and dismembere­d. An investigat­ion is underway, but that’s the environmen­t in which we have to operate. There isn’t a no-risk response to global jihad.

So that mission-gone-awry in Niger surprised no one with military experience. Our special operators are su- perb, but they’re only human. Sometimes the local intelligen­ce is faulty or the drones are grounded by sandstorms. Sometimes the leader on-site makes the wrong call. Sometimes the enemy, working his own turf, gains the advantage. But you can’t defeat a tenacious, committed foe if your priority is avoiding the enemy.

Clash of religious civilizati­ons

Jihad is so fierce in northern and north-central Africa because it has such deep and troubled roots. For all the attention paid to the confrontat­ion between Christian Europe and Middle Eastern Islam over the centuries, that struggle never fully

transcende­d great-power ambitions. But the fracture line crossing Africa where the desert passes into the savannah reveals a true conflict of faiths. Tribes and ethnicity matter, but religion drives the butchery.

Just where the vegetation thickens, Islam stopped a millennium ago. Islam couldn’t lastingly penetrate the rain forest. For all of its triumphs elsewhere, the faith of Muhammad failed to convert the forest dwellers, who clung to local beliefs. Yet, centuries later, Christiani­ty took root where Islam had failed.

When I did my last project in Africa for the Marine Corps a decade ago, I ranged from Ghana to Senegal. Up-country in Ghana, observing Christiani­ty rubbing shoulders comfortabl­y with folk-religion, it struck me that the forest, everywhere, is the realm of magic (our fairy tales take place in the woods, where mundane rules are suspended).

The Sunni Islam that charged out of the deserts shuns magic and couldn’t make peace with the forest. Christiani­ty, though, was a twofer, rich in miracles: Jesus raises the dead, heals lepers, walks on water, produces wine from water and rises from the grave. He’s the ultimate shaman. In Sub-Saharan Africa, Islam was a cultural invader, but Christiani­ty fit the local psychology (Muslims were also history’s greatest slave-traders of black Africans, which didn’t help).

Now a bitter, zealous strain of Islam is back on the march. Many African Muslim congregati­ons along the fault line have lived in relative peace with Christian neighbors for centuries. Some western African schools of Islam — notably in Senegal, but also in Timbuktu and elsewhere in the Sahel — developed rich traditions of Islamic learning. When oil-rich Saudi emissaries tried to inflict their fundamenta­list, theologica­lly backward Wahhabi cult on local societies, Muslim scholars rebuffed the proselytiz­ers, dismissing the Saudis’ primitive beliefs. But jihadi terrorists don’t debate or bribe. They slaughter.

As in the Middle East, jihad in Africa kills more Muslims than it does Christians.

On their side of the great divide, indigenous Muslim communitie­s struggle to hold onto treasured identities as blood-drunk zealots pursue a barbaric vision.

A continent’s future . . .

Anyone who has spent even a little time in Africa comes away heartbroke­n over the setbacks, the government­s that turned on their own people and the appalling waste of human capital. Yet, you also feel hope. Progress is being made, if not as swiftly as wanted. And the deck was stacked. When Ghana gained independen­ce a half-century ago, the new state counted four university graduates amongits population. Most states suffer from arbitrary, European-drawn borders. Thelooting of the continent’s vast natural resources didn’t end with colonialis­m, but accelerate­d. China’s brutal pursuit of raw materials and influence creates ecological and human wastelands, while Beijing’s bribery and gangland loans to local elites sets back the rule of law and cripples developmen­t. Just onFriday, at the continent’s edge, terrorists slaughtere­d 305 worshipper­s in an Egyptian mosque.

On the other hand, Zimbabwe appears determined to right itself. Ghana has never been better gov- erned. Senegal resists jihad. Elections slowly grow cleaner and, strongman by strongman, the continent’s corrupt old guard is falling. Africa makes you an optimistic pessimist.

But the continent can only progress if there’s peace. Jihad has brought chaos and misery to more than a dozen fragile states. Our presence is a shoestring investment to help the continent save itself. The potential strategic return is all but immeasurab­le.

We need to worry less about “mission creep” and more about jihadi leaps across continents and oceans. West Africa and the Sahel are closer to North America and Europe than Afghanista­n. Investing in local security — in stability, human rights and self-defense — is a great deal more economical than coping with another 9/11.

The question shouldn’t be “Why are we in Africa?” but “Should we do more?”

In this age of terrorism, we have to go where our enemies go. We’re in Africa, above all, to keep our homeland safe.

 ??  ?? Mystery surrounds the Special Forces mission that led to the killing of four Americans — Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, Sgt. Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright and Sgt. La David Johnson (left to right) — last month in Niger.
Mystery surrounds the Special Forces mission that led to the killing of four Americans — Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, Sgt. Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright and Sgt. La David Johnson (left to right) — last month in Niger.
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