New York Post

Pissed off


Christie Brinkley’s most notorious Page Six feud wasn’t between her and Billy Joel, or her cheating hubby Peter Cook. No, it was with a woman named

Erica Remkus who, unable to find a bathroom, tried to go No. 1 on the rocks near her property in 2016. “‘What are you doing?’ ” Brinkley screamed, according to Remkus. “‘You can’t pee in front of my house! You have to go away. You’re standing on my rocks. You can’t pee on my rocks. I walk there!’ ” Remkus said she was about to go elsewhere, when the former Sports Illustrate­d swimsuit model sprayed her with a hose. “I would not have peed if she didn’t spray me,” Remkus said. “After that, I kind of had to.”

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