New York Post

Weird BUT true


A couple in Ohio found out officials weren’t kidding.

Justin Held and his wife Amanda, of Bowling Green, kept three goats to help Justin fight off his depression. But then local officials told them the emotionals­upport goats had to go.

The couple took the issue to court, but lost this week.

A British woman really was innocent, but cops locked her up anyway.

Patience Tagarira was waiting to give a report on a traffic accident when she realized all the police officers had left the station in Luton, England — accidental­ly locking her alone inside for the night.

She had to bang on a window for two hours before an officer outside rescued her.

A grisly mystery’s afoot in British Columbia.

A severed foot inside a shoe washed up on shore near Vancouver recently — the 13th foot to be found in the area over the past decade.

Canadian cops have no idea why the feet have been coming ashore or where they’re coming from, though they said there is no reason to think they are connected.

Dogs wouldn’t trade their freedom for anything — except bacon.

A 2-year-old German shepard named Ronin proved the point when he escaped from a crate at Boston’s Logan Airport and ran wild for several hours.

Ronin was only caught after police offered the animal a bite of a bacon and sausage sandwich.

This year, the Wise Men are bringing gold, frankincen­se, myrrh — and pot.

A company in California is selling a wreath made up partly of marijuana buds. Buyers can chill out from the holiday rush by picking a bud off and enjoying a puff.

Henry’s Original says the handmade wreaths use “artisanal heirloom cannabis,” which might explain the $400 price tag. They’re only available to California shoppers for now.

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