New York Post

The GOP’s SALT Diet: How Blue States Will Suffer


Taxes in New York are some of the highest in the country. It’s time that our politician­s stopped complainin­g about Congress limiting the state and local deductions (“Sore losers,” Kyle Smith, PostOpinio­n, Dec. 10).

We should get high taxes under control and stop massive spending on social programs that often benefit the state’s unions at the expense of the rest of us.

It’s no secret that New York state is one of the biggest welfare magnets in the United States. People complain about high taxes and corruption in Albany, then they send the same corrupt bigspendin­g politician­s back year after year. A taxpayer revolt is long overdue in this state. James Kenworthy Pelham

Kyle Smith could have noted that even with the SALT deductions, blue states like New York, Massachuse­tts and California pay billions more in federal income taxes than they get back.

In contrast, most red states are the net beneficiar­ies of federal lar- gesse. This bill has been properly described as red states sticking it to blue states.

Let’s not forget that many thousands of bluestate residents, including civil servants, will retire to red states, where they will spend pension money paid for by bluestate companies or taxpayers like me. Dennis Middlebroo­ks Brooklyn

This tax plan, one that is supposed to provide savings for the average taxpayer, is nothing but a sham. Corporate breaks were proposed to be permanent, while most individual cuts were slated to expire within a decade.

This new plan will bring about huge changes in deductions, such as capping deductions for state and local taxes.

This terribly flawed plan is being shoved down Americans’ throats, the same way that ObamaCare was forced on us.

The same poor planning, the same lying and the same voting along party lines are now happening a second time. If there ever was a time to drain the swamp, it’s now. Alan Brooks Brooklyn

As a liberal, I would not mind paying more in taxes if everyone were paying more in taxes. That is not the case.

The super wealthy are receiving tax breaks. Some middle-class Americans are going to see a tax increase. Where is the equity in that? Sheri Kocen Westfield, NJ

 ??  ?? An anti-tax bill rally
An anti-tax bill rally

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