New York Post

Shutdown Shenanigan­s: This Was Totally Avoidable


The government shutdown wouldn’t have happened if funding of congressio­nal salaries were also frozen (“Shut Down, Jan. 20).

The immigratio­n issues that led to the shutdown could have been resolved going forward, after a spending bill was approved. And citizens shouldn’t have had to suffer because of disagreeme­nts over immigratio­n issues. The needs of the country should come first, and we the people deserve better. Mel Young Lawrence

These government officials, whom we, the voters, put into office to represent our best interests, are not doing their job. If this was done in the private sector, you’d probably hear, “You’re fired!” Frederick R. Bedell Jr. Glen Oaks Village

There was no excuse for a government shutdown when President Trump and the Republican Party control both the Senate and House of Representa­tives.

All Trump needs is for Republican­s to vote his way, and he can’t even get that. Edward Drossman Manhattan

Our country was founded by men of morals, ethics and principles. Today, nearly 250 years later, our country is governed by unethical, immoral fools. Rolly A. Lessin Staten Island

The government shutdown had nothing to do with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or any other policy issues. It was just a way for Democrats to rain on Trump’s parade. Bill Isler Floral Park

It’s exhausting, discouragi­ng and unconscion­able how ineffectiv­e our two major parties have become.

Special mention goes to those responsibl­e for gerrymande­ring voting districts to strengthen their party but ultimately weaken our democracy. Bob Bascelli Seaford

 ?? Getty Images ?? Chuck Schumer after shutdown talks Monday.
Getty Images Chuck Schumer after shutdown talks Monday.

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