New York Post

Show hits the right ‘Note’

- Cindy Adams

A dervish doesn’t whirl like Anna Deavere Smith.

Anna: “I’m in New York because of my one-woman HBO show, ‘Notes From the Field.’ But off to Baltimore, where it screens tomorrow. Then, California. I’m playing the main character’s mother in TV’s hilarious ‘Blackish.’ Next, back here for Shonda

Rhimes’ new March 13 ABC-TV show, ‘For the People.’ It’s set in district court, but my character Tina’s not as funny as the hospital administra­tor Gloria I played in ‘Nurse Jackie.’

“I live here, although the hometown’s Baltimore. My parents are gone, but there’s Aunt

Lorraine, 90, my mother’s sister, plus my brother and two sisters. We went astray but getting closer now.”

I quickly threw in she looked terrific inside her pink ruffles and spangles.

“The outfit was made for me. I paid with my own dough so I own it. My hairdresse­r combed my hair specially. Also I had my personal makeup person. Listen, you got to have your own team.” You rich? “I do theater. How can I be rich? But I save my money.” You married? “I married my career. How can I have family? I have an Australian cattle dog who’s 16. Name’s

Memphis, [like] where

Anna Deavere Smith:

Her one-woman show “Notes From the Field” comes to HBO. [Martin Luther] King was shot.” Now, about “Notes From the Field.” “I work for kids, social justice. Working in Second Stage, helping those in poverty, this started as a movie years ago. I’ve interviewe­d 250 people, like one woman training service dogs who’s in prison 23 years for a rape situation. “An inmate said: ‘Longer you’re in prison the more feelings you lose about even caring. You don’t care if you stab someone. Who cares? You’re worthless.’

“I filmed everywhere, including Helsinki. I even trekked to an Indian reservatio­n. The tribe didn’t know who I was.”

Show gives a shot

“ESCAPE to Margaritav­ille” put their money where their mouth is. They delivered plastic bags with Patrón tequila, salt, shot glass and lime. It either helps Jimmy Buffett’s musical, opening March 15, or makes critics happier-’n-hell.

A new gossip girl

MORE news. New York’s got another gossip yenta. Now elbowing out us leftovers, the columnist is Mindy Franklin. Husband’s name is Levine. She’ll squeeze statewide boldfaced juice — 200 words bimonthly — on Empire Report’s Web site. It’s digital, not print. And it’s only positive, she says. Only good news, she says. Only non-snarky, she says.

I mean, please. She’s from Wisconsin.

Picking up the tab

RALPH Lauren’s Polo Bar. Next table, an unfamiliar gentleman with his good-looking ladyfriend starts a conversati­on. Wanting nothing, he asked for nothing. After dinner, this person I’d not met before — investment banker Oliver Wiener — was adamant about paying my check. Even insisted on taking care of our waiter.

I can’t wait to tell him where I’m going next week.

Believe me, this is only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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