New York Post

A-Rod back as special adviser


CLEARWATER, Fla. — The Yankees announced on Sunday morning that Alex Rodriguez and Nick Swisher will be special advisers in 2018.

Guess which one attracted more attention.

“These are exciting times for the New York Yankees, and I do not take this opportunit­y for granted. I am genuinely thankful for the trust the organizati­on has placed in me, and I am looking forward to lending whatever support or expertise is needed of me,’’ Rodriguez said in a statement released by the Yankees’ public relations department. “I continue to cherish the pinstripes, the fans and my involvemen­t with the Steinbrenn­er family, Brian Cashman, and his world-class staff.”

First-year manager Aaron Boone, whose knee injury following the 2003 season led to Rodriguez landing in The Bronx to start the 2004 campaign, is looking for Rodriguez’s baseball knowledge to help the club.

“I think he has a lot to offer,” Boone said. “So hopefully with him being on board now, hopefully it’s an opportunit­y for him to impact our team. I think everyone understand­s just how smart of a baseball mind [he has] and the ability I think to communicat­e that sometimes is really something he’s special at, especially with the younger guys, and we hope to benefit from that. So I’m glad he’s on board.”

Reggie Jackson, another special adviser, echoed Boone.

“He has a lot of baseball knowledge and I look forward to him getting involved,’’ Jackson said. “There are a lot of pluses. He is a real student of the game and he has the ability to manage.’’

Rodriguez has said he doesn’t want to manage. If that’s true, Jackson has something else in mind.

“I think he wants to own, but I think he could manage,’’ Jackson said.

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