New York Post

Finally tackling tenant’s mold (maybe)

- Khristina Narizhnaya and Emily Saul

An elderly Bronx woman who told The Post her home’s mold infestatio­n has been ignored by NYCHA even after she sued was finally paid a visit by the agency over the weekend.

“I guess they got some word from somebody,” 83year-old Albertha Fernandez said Sunday from her Forest Houses apartment.

The NYCHA worker “came here on a Saturday, and they never do no business on a Saturday,” Fernandez said.

The worker, a woman, said “she knew about” the mold, according to the senior, adding the worker swore other staffers would come by Monday morning.

Fernandez, who has lived in the complex since 1956, said she first started reporting the uninhabita­ble conditions in 2015 and filed a lawsuit against NYCHA in December.

NYCHA is required to address most mold repairs within a week, as per a 2013 settlement following a class-action suit. The law allows 15 days to resolve more complicate­d cases.

The city has not met either requiremen­t, according to Fernandez.

“They think they can do this in two days, but they can’t do this in no two days,” she said, gesturing to the mold. “My feelings haven’t changed — they ain’t done nothing yet.”

NYCHA did not respond to a request for commen.

Fernandez said she plans to file another suit against the agency once she gets her hospital records — claiming she broke her hip moving items for NYCHA inspectors who never showed up.

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