New York Post

Anguish of slain kids’ dad

Nanny-trial tears


The broken dad of the two children slain by their Upper West Side nanny fought back tears in court Tuesday as he recalled seeing their tiny bodies at the hospital — and having to say goodbye.

“Lulu and Leo were lying on hospital tables covered in sheets up to their chins — they looked beautiful and strange,’’ Kevin Krim (inset, at court Tuesday) said of his 6-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son, who had been stabbed to death hours earlier by caregiver Yoselyn Ortega, who is on trial in Manhattan Supreme Court.

“They were the wrong color; they didn’t have any blood left in them, so they were blueish. But they still had this perfect skin and long eyelashes,’’ Krim said.

“They’d had this, like, sandy-brown hair, and you see [hospital personnel] had tried hard to wash all the blood out, but there was still kind of an auburn tint to it that I remember to this day” the dad murmured, his

face reddening and eyes filling with tears.

“I got down on my knees, and I said, ‘I’m sorry.’ I said ‘I love you’ and I kissed them, and I said goodbye.”

Jurors sobbed at the testimony.

Krim, 42, told the packed courtroom how he first learned of his children’s murders.

His flight had just landed at JFK Airport from California the night of Oct. 25, 2012, when he switched off his phone’s airplane mode and was immediatel­y flooded with texts from neighbors and parents of his children’s friends saying they’d “heard something had happened.

“I was fumbling around trying to figure out, saying, ‘What’s going on? What’s going on?’ ” Krim said, but his pleas for informatio­n were interrupte­d by an announceme­nt from the pilot saying the NYPD was waiting to speak to a passenger.

At one point, Krim turned in the courtroom to glare at Ortega, who stared straight ahead. He said it was his first time laying eyes on her since she killed his kids.

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