New York Post

Bernie’s Jobs-for-All Nonsense


Sen. Bernie Sanders’ new big idea: Have Uncle Sam offer a $15-an-hour job (with benefits) to anyone who wants one. First question: Why’d he wait until unemployme­nt was down to 4.1 percent, rather than offer this when it was 10 percent?

It can’t be the expense: His people admit they have no idea what it would cost, or where the cash would come from.

The Washington Post’s Megan McArdle did a quick estimate, starting with the fact that 25 million to 50 million US workers don’t earn that much now ($15 is more than the median wage in much of the country).

She figures the cost would be a trillion or two a year, “rivaling or exceeding our total expenditur­e on Social Security, with maybe Medicaid thrown in for good measure.”

That’s on top of the red ink the feds are already hemorrhagi­ng.

Nor, she notes, does Washington actually have work for all these hires to actually do.

Sadly, Sanders’ ideas have a way of catching on with the Democratic base: His $32 billion health-care plan had zero cosponsors back in 2013; now a third of Democrats in the Senate, and two-thirds in the House, have signed on.

Heck, the jobs-for-all plan already has the backing of 2020 hopefuls Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Cory Booker (D-NJ).

It’s as if Democrats have stopped caring about making sense — showing you “care” is all that counts.

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