New York Post

Ex-pol a ‘broken man’ at service on LES


Sabbath services at the Lower East Side’s Bialystoke­r Synagogue felt funereal on Saturday after its star congregant — former Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver — fell from grace, again.

The 74-year-old former Albany heavyweigh­t, convicted a second time for selling his office for $4 million in kickbacks, showed up as usual for the 7 a.m. service at the historic Orthodox Jewish shul.

But where he was once treated as a celebrity and bestowed with honors, his fellow worshipper­s gave him a wide berth and the mood was somber “as if someone had died,” one observer said.

There was no special prayer of healing as both the rabbi and the rabbi’s assistant offered after the Democratic leader’s 2015 arrest — an accommodat­ion the politician declined at the time.

And Silver was not called upon to read a blessing over the Torah, which is considered an honor.

Now facing up to 130 years in prison after Friday’s guilty verdict in Manhattan federal court, he sat largely alone in a corner of the synagogue’s basement prayer space.

“The whole entire time he was just sunken into his prayer book. He seemed like a broken man,” the observer said.

Congregant­s seemed to walk on eggshells around him, offering a traditiona­l greeting of “Good Shabbos,” but quickly moving on.

He joined the 20 or so worshipper­s in attendance for the kiddish meal after the service, sitting together at one long table.

A congregant discussed the day’s Torah portion, saying God would not cast out a member of the community “so we, too, shouldn’t cast anyone out,” according to the observer.

But the words were cold comfort to Silver, who merely nibbled on the warmed-over meal of potato-and-noodle kugel, herring and cholent, a traditiona­l stew. Small glasses were set out for schnapps.

After the meal, Silver picked up a prayer book again and headed to sit back down alone.

Sentencing for Silver, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2016, is scheduled for July 13. He has been allowed to remain out on bail.

He lives in a Lower East Side co-op with his wife, Rosa, who pleaded for leniency in his first sentencing. He was still given 12 years in prison.

Silver cheated on her with two women, the feds alleged in documents released in 2016. The women have been identified by sources as powerful lobbyist Patricia Lynch and former Assemblywo­man Janele Hyer-Spencer, a former beauty queen who represente­d parts of Staten Island and Brooklyn. Silver has denied the affairs. Outside the courthouse after Friday’s verdict, Silver said he was “disappoint­ed” and would pursue an appeal.

“I am very confident the judicial process will play out in my favor,” he said.

But the enormity of the situation seemed to weigh heavily on Silver Saturday.

“He seemed worried and sick,” the observer said.

 ??  ?? DAY OF ATONEMENT: Former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, an Orthodox Jew, has been a prominent congregant at the Bialystoke­r Synagogue on the Lower East Side but took a low profile during Sabbath services Saturday, with one observer saying the...
DAY OF ATONEMENT: Former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, an Orthodox Jew, has been a prominent congregant at the Bialystoke­r Synagogue on the Lower East Side but took a low profile during Sabbath services Saturday, with one observer saying the...

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